Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice: Super shiok pig leg & pig trotter rice, affordably priced at $5.90

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice took the F&B scene by storm in Mar 2023 when they gave out free bowls of Pig Leg Rice and Pig Trotter Rice with no strings attached. This was to celebrate the opening of 3 new outlets, and boy, you should’ve seen the queues!

Despite the stunningly generous promotion having ended, Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice still draws decent queues at all of its 9 outlets, which are strategically placed across Singapore like pins on a map— from Senja Hawker Centre in the North to Amoy Street Food Centre in the CBD.

In a bid to finally have a taste of its famed melt-in-your-mouth pig leg rice, I decided to head to the outlet at Marine Parade Central Market and Food Centre for lunch.

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice - storefront
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice - storefront

For those familiar with Marine Parade Central Market & Food Centre, you’ll recognise the unit that Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice has freshly occupied as of Mar 2023.

This is the exact same unit where legendary Apollo Fresh Cockle Char Kway Teow used to sit— #01-27!

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 3 - queue
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 3 - queue

Having dined at this hawker centre since I was a kid, I had an odd sense of deja vu queuing at the very same stall that I’ve spent countless weekends patronising.

This time though, instead of a plate of garlic-laden char kway teow, it’s for pig leg rice.

What I tried at Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 2 - storefront
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 2 - storefront

After spotting the gleaming, fist-sized pieces of pig trotters at its storefront, I proceeded to order: “One Pig Trotter Rice (S$5.90), please.”

I was surprised when the friendly staff highlighted that its Pig Trotter Rice came solely with fat, and that if I wanted something more meaty, I could try its Pig Leg Rice (S$5.90) instead.

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 03 - pig leg rice
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 03 - pig leg rice

I was incredibly thankful for the staff’s recommendation, because just look at that bowl of Pig Leg Rice!

For just S$5.90, I was given such a generous portion of sliced pig leg meat that I had trouble spotting the rice underneath. Accompanying the entire ensemble were salted vegetables and a piece of prawn cake.

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 06 - pig leg meat
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 06 - pig leg meat

I’m not even remotely kidding when I say that the pig leg meat was incredibly soft. Literally seconds after picking my first piece up, a liberal piece of fat fell off my chopsticks, leaving me with fork-tender pig leg meat that I had trouble holding up.

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 07 - pig leg meat
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 07 - pig leg meat

Oh, this was gloriously delicious. Every single bit of braised meat had absorbed that salty, savoury flavours, resulting in juicy and umami-filled bites. Plus, despite being tender, the large strips of pig leg still retained a substantial meaty bite.

The fat, on the other hand, was a whole new wonder on its own. It melted in my mouth like a thick wad of cotton candy, dissolving into a gelatinous soft mess that was sticky and salty.

This was so delicious that I devoured several mouthfuls of pig leg meat at one go, until I realised I actually had to pair it with rice for the full experience. Oops!

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 08 - prawn cake
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 08 - prawn cake
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 09 - salted vegetables
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 09 - salted vegetables

Accompanying the superbly soft and delicious pig leg meat were 2 ingredients— salted vegetables and a slice of prawn cake.

I enjoyed the salted vegetables, as it added an appetising sourness and crunch to the whole bowl. On the other hand, the prawn cake was springy, providing a contrast against the pig leg meat.

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 11 - chilli
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 11 - chilli

For those who can handle your spice, I highly recommend pairing your Pig Leg Rice or Pig Trotter Rice with their homemade chilli.

Bright and citrusy, the chilli was the perfect accompaniment to the savoury braised meat. I’d say that its spice level was a mild one, but it hit my taste buds in a bright and sharp way, similar to the chill you’d get with Hainanese chicken rice as compared to smoky sambal.

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 10 - pig leg rice
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 10 - pig leg rice

I must say, this was a really 10/10 experience. I ended up mixing everything together so that each spoonful contained a bit of everything— tender pig leg meat, piquant salted vegetables and soft, warm white rice.

For a wallet-friendly price of S$5.90, you can bet that I’d definitely come back for this again.

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 04 - pig intestine
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 04 - pig intestine
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 05 - large intestine
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 05 - large intestine

For those dining in a group, Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice sells à la carte portions such as Pork Trotter (S$9.60) and Lean Meat (from S$18).

I decided to try its Pig Intestine (S$5) and Large Intestine (S$5), as I was impressed by its low price point.

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 4 - intestines
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 4 - intestines

I loved the Pig Intestine for its satisfying bite and mouthfeel. The skin on the outside was gelatinous and silky, while the meat on the inside was springy yet tender. I counted about a dozen pieces, which was reasonable considering the S$5 price tag, and also that it was well-cleaned with no funkiness.

The Large Intestine was thinner but softer, resembling fat rather than meat, and slid down my throat with little effort. I loved dunking each piece in the salty braised liquid for that extra savoury kick.

Both were different — one being meatier, while the other being more sleek — but they paired well together for a well-rounded dining experience, especially if you’re dining in a big group.

Final thoughts

Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 02 - spread of food
Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice 02 - spread of food

I officially understand the hype behind Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice. Not only are its dishes affordably priced, they’re amazingly delicious too.

I’m still fangirling over the Pig Leg Rice for its tender braised meat, which was so soft that it literally fell off my chopsticks. For a complete experience, be sure to pair the delicious meat with its bright and citrusy chilli sauce for an added kick. Its Pig Intestine and Large Intestine were delectable and cleaned well too.

I’d say that Shi Nian Pig Leg Rice’s long queues are well justified, and I’ll return if I’m ever craving a hearty bowl of pig trotter or pig leg meat.

Expected damage: S$5.90 – S$10 per pax

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