Sharon Chan denies offering employees immigration to Hong Kong

9 Jun – Sharon Chan has recently addressed issues pertaining to an ad poster circulating online that she is offering the chance for immigration to Hong Kong to potential employees of her Blesscuit Bakery branch in mainland China.

As reported on Mingpao, the actress who attended a social awareness campaign at the Ocean Park recently, stated that she was clueless about the advertisement, since everything, including the recruitment for her mainland branch, is being managed by her partners.

"Of course, this also means that there is negligence on my side," she said.

Sharon explained that what they should actually convey to the public is that the employee will have the opportunity to come to Hong Kong for management.

"In the future, I will make sure to pay more attention to the wordings in the recruitment ad," she said.

The actress also stressed that the recruitment period in Guangzhou has already ended and that there should no longer be any new posters.

On the other hand, as to reports that the bakery is paying a meagre salary, Sharon said that she has already asked her colleagues working in China, and was told that the salary offered is reasonable for a small shop like hers.

"The starting salary should not be too high. Hopefully, the business will do well so that we could increase their salary," she said.

(Photo Source: Sharon Chan Instagram)