Rep. Jamie Raskin Says His Cancer Is In Remission

Ranking Member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) speaks during a hearing of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on April 19.
Ranking Member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) speaks during a hearing of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on April 19.

Ranking Member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) speaks during a hearing of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on April 19.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said Thursday that he is in remission after undergoing cancer treatment.

Raskin, 60, announced in December he had been diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, calling it a “serious but curable form of cancer.”

In a statement provided to HuffPost on Thursday, Raskin said he wrapped chemotherapy, underwent a PET scan that showed he did not have “any discernible cancer cells,” and received a “preliminary diagnosis of being ‘in remission’ from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with a 90% prognosis of no relapse.”

“I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love,” Raskin said, going on to thank the people who showed him support and showered him with gifts that he plans to “treasure forever.”

“I have many things that I want to say to the people across America who have stood by me and helped carry me through this prolonged challenge, and I will come to say them soon,” he added. “Right now my hemoglobin and white blood cell counts are plunging from my final five-day round of chemotherapy, and I am afraid I lack the energy to properly thank you all and express the enormity of my feelings about the enduring beauty and promise of our country.”

Raskin said he will soon put out another message after he rebounds.

“In the meantime, I just want to send you my profound appreciation,” he said.

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is a common type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma that occurs in a person’s lymphatic system, HuffPost previously reported, citing the Lymphoma Research Foundation“Prognosis for most people in my situation is excellent after four months of treatment,” Raskin said in a December statement.

Raskin previously served in the Maryland state Senate from 2007 to 2016, and has been in the House since 2017. He served on the Jan. 6 select committee and has been a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump
