Raja Farah says she has never retired from acting

29 Feb - Raja Farah recently revealed that she has never said anything about retiring from showbiz, and would love to make an acting comeback if there is an offer.

The actress-turned-entrepreneur, who appeared at the KNKV Viral Award recently, admitted that it has been 15 years since she received any acting offers and is missing being in the film industry.

"I never actually closed any doors when it comes to acting. It's possible for me to return to it, as long as the role suits me and my husband allows it," she told mStar. "Acting is a part of me. It's hard to leave."

Asked why she has not been seen in any projects for many years, Raja Farah said that a lot of dramas and movies did not suit her as a hijabi when she first decided to wear the hijab.

Raja Farah is mum to three children and is pregnant with her fourth
Raja Farah is mum to three children and is pregnant with her fourth

"And then I became a wife and mother. At the same time, I was relieved because my children were not affected by the glamour and can grow up like normal kids," she added.

As for a comeback, the "Apa Kata Hati" star said that it would not happen for the time being as she is currently pregnant with her fourth child.

(Photo Source: Raja Farah IG)