PSA: You Can Use the Energy of 1/11 To Manifest Whatever You Want

the number 111 under planets and lightning
How to Use 1/11 for ManifestationGetty/Margie Rischiotto

Happy New Year! If you haven't set any resolutions yet—or if you need a little boost to keep following them now that we're almost two weeks into 2024—let me introduce you to a little date called January 11—or 1/11. This is a powerful day channeling the energy of angel number 111. Don't waste these vibes!

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Why is 1/11 so important?

January 11 is written as 1/11, indicating the angel number 111. (What are angel numbers? Simple: Numerical messages sent to us from our angels, spirit guides, the universe, etc.) The angel number 111 signifies an auspicious moment that can help you embark on new beginnings and move beyond the past. It serves as inspiration to start the next chapter in our lives and connects us with a higher level of consciousness. Thanks to the power of 1/11, this is a highly favorable and prosperous day.

What is the astrology of 1/11?

In 2024, 1/11 is also a significant date astrologically, as well as numerologically, because it coincides with the first New Moon of the year. New Moons always signal fresh starts and new goals, and this New Moon in Capricorn on January 11 marks the beginning of a positive time where you can make your desires come true. Just know that thanks to Neptune's wildcard factor, you can expect some surprises along the way (hopefully nice ones!). Today's combination of energies will inspire you to lean into your hopes and aspirations for the New Year.

During this New Moon, you'll be reminded of the power within yourself. By leaning into your desires, you can become the person you're meant to be. The universe is working to make your visions come true! It's time to break free from the crowd and embrace your uniqueness. You're ready to lean into the opportunities that will benefit your present and future relationships, career, and sense of self.

What should I manifest on 1/11?

So, what exactly should you manifest? Anything and everything. The portal is open and active! The first thing that comes to your mind when considering angel number 1/11 is exactly what you should bring into your life. If you want to let go of stagnant energy, now is the time to release it and bring in new vibes. This is your chance to grow!

If you want a little manifestation inspo, today is particularly great for career goals, thanks to the New Moon in Capricorn. You have an opportunity to start a new path professionally and use your natural abilities and skills to your advantage. And yes, today is a great day to focus on your love life, too. In your romantic life, this is a great time to let go of pettiness and small frustrations and embrace love. If you are currently in a relationship, you can focus on strengthening your foundation as a couple. If you're single, you can bring a new partner into your life.

What time is best for manifestation?

January 11 is a perfect day to start working towards your goals and aspirations. You can do a manifestation ritual at any point in the day, but if you see the number 111 on your clock (either 1:11 AM or 1:11 PM), it's a sign to pay extra attention to the new journey you are embarking on. Take advantage of this opportunity to cultivate your passions and become the person we want to be. (Trust me—I saw 1:11 PM on my clock when writing this article!)

A manifestation ritual for 1/11

Light a candle—a white one to symbolize a fresh start, or a red one to symbolize your passions. Gaze at the flame. Once you have a visual point of focus, think about what you really want to achieve. The first thing that comes to mind is usually what you should strive for. Focus on putting your energy into this goal as you watch the candle burn.

A vision board for 1/11

Another helpful manifestation tool is to create a vision board to keep your goal in sight throughout the year. Whether you're using a physical poster board or a digital one with an app like Canva, look for images and words that reprsent the goal you want to manifest. Then, simply add them to your board and keep it somewhere you can see it!

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