Planets indicate leadership skills, but Hardik may not have a long ride, says Ganesha…


Just a couple of weeks ago, the 22-year-old Hardik Patel, who galvanized the Patel (Patidar) masses in a Gujarat-wide movement to demand reservations in the OBC quota, is now a Household name and face. Though it is rather ironical that arguably the most affluent and forward class in the country is demanding backward status, Hardik, a B.Com graduate from Ahmedabad's Sahajanand College, appears to have touched the raw nerve of the country where, because of the caste-based reservation policy, merit often gets dumped down the drain, and mediocrity is richly rewarded. Be that as it may, Hardik's meteoric rise has baffled everyone, especially the political establishment. With the issue he has raised being such a sensitive one, which has led to innumerable suicides in the past, the government does not seem to be taking any chances, even going to the extent of cutting off mobile internet connectivity in Gujarat to prevent rumour-mongering.

It is still early days to gauge whether the movement will gain more momentum or peter out, but here's Ganesha's take on it.
[Owing to the unavailability of the credible birth-time, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli, created with Mr. Patel's birth-date and birth-place only.]

Leader of the pack?

  • Sun, the significator of leadership is posited in the 1st House, in Patel's Solar Chart. Further, Mars, the Lord of the 10th House (related to the political matters) is posited in the 11th House in its friendly Sign in his Chart. And, it aspects Hardik's Natal Venus (the significator of art/creation) that happens to be,the Lord of the 11th House (gains).

  • Jupiter, the 9th House of fortune's Lord, aspects Hardik's Natal Saturn, that is retrograde in the 8th House. Incidentally, Saturn is the significator of government affairs/ politics, and its being retrograde here is a negative factor.

  • In Hardik's Solar Chart, Ketu (in 10th House) and Swagruhi Mercury (signifies communication) are placed in the 12th House.

  • All these planetary factors indicate that indeed Hardik is gifted with leadership and communication skills (Swagruhi Mercury and strong Mars), but Saturn's retrogression may not let him become a very big leader. Strong Mars does make him forceful and aggressive, and people will initially be charmed by his aura, but the negatively placed Saturn and Ketu may NOT let him go very far, or grow, prosper and perform as a big leader.

Will the government be moved for this Aandolan?

  • The current transit of Jupiter over Hardik's Natal Venus (posited in the 2nd House) will be aspecting his Natal Saturn and Ketu, till 11th August, 2016.

  • The transiting Jupiter is thus giving strength to Hardik's Natal Saturn and hence this ongoing transit is likely to be fruitful and supportive for his efforts in pushing the Anamat Aandolan – but only to a certain extent.

  • The transiting Saturn through Scorpio has been aspecting his Natal Mars and Venus, and will continue till January, 2017. This is giving adversity to his Chart, and it will not allow Hardik's efforts to bear real fruits. Saturn's negative effect, thus, shall cast doom on Hardik's efforts, and his efforts may not manage to bring about any real change. It may also diminish his political power.

The Road ahead for Patel Anamat Aandolan....

  • Considering the current transits of planets and their relatively negative negative influences, Ganesha feels that Hardik Patel may be liable to become over-confident.

  • His current group may remain united for some duration, given Jupiter's supportive transit.

  • But, the upcoming transit of Rahu (after January, 2016) over his Natal Venus (placed in Leo), and the transit of Ketu over his Natal Saturn (placed in Aquarius) will be extremely tough for Patel. Incidentally, at the same time, Jupiter's strength too diminish, as it will be joined by Rahu (in Leo). So, overall this time, post 30th January, 2016, will be unfavourable for Hardik Patel, his confidence, his group and his image.

  • There may be internal disputes in his group, and his personal popularity and efficiency may suffer tremendously. The group may also disintegrate, or Hardik may not be able to lead it further, post this period. Additionally, the transit of Saturn may create legal implications for the young gun.

Mainstream Politics?

  • There are marginal chances of Hardik gaining a big name in mainstream politics. As the upcoming transit of Rahu-Ketu (from January 2016) will not be favourable for him, things may get difficult for him.

  • Till January, 2016, Hardik may manage to reach the national stage, surprising many with his sudden escalation, but things may turn for worse, for him after January, 2016, or so the stars portend. He will have to be very careful of his image, after this time, or he may face defamation.

  • His efforts may also get crushed, as Saturn's transit through Sagittarius, post January, 2017 will also not be useful for him, any regard. This will end in 2020, and it is only after that Hardik may be able to re-emerge in politics, if he does at all.

With Ganesha's Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay,
The Team