People Are Sharing The Absolute Smallest Hills They'll Die On, And Now That They've Been Pointed Out, I Feel Like I Agree With Every Single One

Recently, Reddit user u/Pennsyltuckey54 took to popular subreddit r/AskReddit to ask, "What is the smallest hill you'll die on?" and the answers are so relatable. Here are some of the best:

1."More people should learn that saying 'I don’t know' is a perfectly accurate and acceptable answer."

Colin Jost on SNL shrugging

2."They’re not called 'assless chaps.' They’re just 'chaps' or 'assless pants.' 'Assless chaps' implies there are chaps with an ass, but those are just called pants."


3."Stop tacking strings of silent Es onto the ends of words to emphasize them. You don't 'loveeee' it. You 'loooove' it. If you were saying it aloud, you'd hold the o, not suddenly start squealing like my tinnitus acting up. It's not that hard, people."

Jack Black in "Nacho Libre" saying "It's the beeessstt"

4."You can't use 'exponential' to describe every large increase, especially if you're only looking at two data points."


5."Utensils need to be at the END of a buffet. So many places put them at the beginning of a buffet, [but at that point] you don't know what utensils you'll need yet, and then you have to carry them around the whole time. Madness."

a buffet table

6."Burgers [ought to] come WITH fries. Stop trying to charge me an extra $7 for a quarter of a potato’s worth of shoestring fries that get cold before they even reach the plate just because you put truffle oil or some other bullshit on them."


7."If you’re going to serve room temp bread at a restaurant, don’t serve me ice cold butter. Warm one of the two things up."

<div><p>—<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:u/JustSomeAudioGuy;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">u/JustSomeAudioGuy</a></p><p>"Soooo many breakfasts out, warming pats of butter under my coffee mug."</p><p>—<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:u/warm_sweater;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">u/warm_sweater</a></p></div><span> HBO</span>

8."Actual physical push buttons are way better than sensor buttons."

A person using a touch screen in a car

9."Talking on speaker phone in public is not necessary."


"Anyone who plays any phone sounds in public is an asshole. Music, phone calls, videos, I don't care. Get some damn dollar store headphones, we don’t want to hear your shit."


10."If [an] automatic door does not open fast enough for me not to break stride, it is broken!"

People going through revolving doors

11."It's 'I couldn't care less,' not 'I could care less!' If you could care less, then you care!"


12."[Email services] should have a pop-up prompt asking if you’re sure you want to Reply All."

Hands typing on a laptop

13."[It's] 'would HAVE!' There is no such thing as 'would of.'"


"I think that just comes from people misunderstanding the conjunctions should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve. Agreed, though, they should still be used properly."


14."It's just 'PIN,' not 'PIN Number.'"

a woman punches her PIN into an ATM

15."I shouldn’t have to wear a name tag at my retail job. Why do random customers need to know my name at all times? It’s only creeps who ever use it and address me by it."


16."Good tea is better than coffee, but mediocre coffee is much better than plain or bad tea."

Coffee and tea in mugs

17."Leather goods are better for the environment and more sustainable than 'vegan leather,' aka PVC, aka vinyl, aka plastic."


18."If you sit on your ass while a holiday meal is cooked, your ass can stand in the back of the line to get food when it's dinner time. I will call you out on it in my house."

Cartoon characters having dinner

19."E.g. and i.e. are not interchangeable. I.e. is used to provide further explanation: 'cell undergoes mitosis, i.e., splits in two copies.' E.g. is used to provide an example: 'mitosis is crucial process of our bodies, e.g. for recovering from wounds.' The best way to remember them is that i.e. is 'in essence,' and e.g. is 'example given.' But both of these are slightly wrong anyway because the original is Latin."


20."I don't think large corporations should be pressuring consumers to donate pennies to a cause when they will [be the ones getting] the tax write-off. Companies should donate on their own."

Jon Stewart wipes tears with money

21."For a three-day weekend, Monday off is better than Friday off."


22."I don't want a QR code menu; give me something I can hold in my hands. [A physical menu is] a design opportunity to brand your restaurant AND is accessible to every single visitor (who may not have good reception/data/a phone at all)."

Screenshots from "Parks and Recreation"

23."Serve warmed maple syrup with pancakes or waffles. Cold syrup sucks."


24."Put your dog on a leash in public places. I literally don’t care how friendly it is, dogs should be leashed in public."

Small funny dog on the floor of a grocery store

25."If I am generous enough to give you a ride home, do not leave your coffee cup or soda can in my cupholder. I am not your servant; take your garbage with you! This is a tiny hill, but it enrages me."


26."If it's raining, you need to turn your headlights on. [That isn't] the law in my state, but I (and many others) can't see [cars] very well when it's rainy, foggy, or snowy. So many people are like, 'Well I can see other cars fine,' but it's about if the other cars can see YOU!"

blurry tail lights through a rainy window

27.And, finally: "I like low rise jeans."

Norman Rockwell painting "Freedom of Speech": a man stands up to speak his mind in a meeting

Some of these opened my eyes to how annoying the world can be, so if you have more to add, let me hear it. The world needs to know!

Note: Some comments have been edited for length and/or clarity.