People Are Sharing 22 Subtle Signs That Made Them Realize They Were Aging, And These Are So Relateable

Let's face it: We're all getting older every single day. But now and then, something happens that really hammers home the fact that we are, in fact, aging. So redditor u/samaunseo asked, "What is your 'I'm getting older' sign?" Here's what people had to say, along with members of the BuzzFeed Community (plus a few of my own two cents).

1."I’ve been enjoying nature more. I know it sounds dumb, but I used to not really care about nature all that much. Now I just sit there happily and look at trees."

Person sits on a rocky shore, facing a serene forest lake with dense trees in the background, surrounded by lush greenery
© Marco Bottigelli / Getty Images

2."When you start realizing that the things your brain thought happened 'only a few years ago' actually means decades ago. For example, 9/11 seemed like it was about ten years ago, but nope — it has been a lot longer. Time is an illusion."


3."FOMO has completely become a thing of the past for me. I really couldn't care less if I miss something 'fun.' You know what's fun? Not dealing with people and sitting on my couch watching The Golden Girls for the umpteenth time."

A person sitting on a couch uses a smartphone while a TV displays a movie selection screen in the background
Maskot / Getty Images/Maskot

4."The topics of conversations that come up when hanging out with friends. Once upon a time, it was fun gossip, boys, drama, and the like. Now it’s about our 401ks, medications, household repairs, etc..."


5."Going out on a Friday or Saturday night feels more like a hassle than fun."

Group of people raise decorative glasses in a celebratory toast outdoors, blurred lights and palm trees in the background
Edwin Tan / Getty Images

6."When your first reaction to a friend’s pregnancy announcement is 'congratulations' rather than 'oh sh!t.'"


7."Remembering what things used to cost. I'm finding that I do this so much now. Ice cream was $3.99 for a big size. Now? I'm lucky if I can find it under $7. And even though I don't smoke anymore, when I was 18 and a no-good smoker, packs were $3 and change. They can be as much as $15 now."

A person is handing a soft serve ice cream cone with a chocolate flake to another person outside an ice cream truck
Image Source / Getty Images/Image Source

8."No matter what you do, there’s always a last little bit of pee that ends up in your underwear."


9."How much my diet has changed, and not by choice. There are so many things I used to love to eat that I just can't handle anymore—for example, onions. I used to love them, but they no longer agree with my digestive system. When I went to Dodger games in my younger days, I would order a Dodger Dog (sometimes 2), slather it with onions and mustard, and wash it down with a beer. If I tried to do that today, I would spend most of the game in the bathroom!"

Two hot dogs with mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, and grated cheese on a plate atop a checkered tablecloth
Langos / Getty Images/iStockphoto

10."When you realize you can injure yourself by sneezing or sleeping in a funny position."


11."I used to have an entirely separate wardrobe for clubbing with my girlfriends. Now, I won't even consider wearing anything that feels too scratchy. Plus, all my shoes are super practical and comfy."

Person in yellow pants standing on a green bench, wearing white sneakers
Carol Yepes / Getty Images

12."I actually get excited to be carded at restaurants and bars. I used to dread this interaction, but now that I clearly look well over 21 and it happens so infrequently, it's truly just flattering."

Hannah Loewentheil

13."Mentioning something to your doctor and being told, 'yeah, that's just going to be how it is from now on.'"

A person, in a patterned hospital gown, is sitting on the edge of a hospital bed with their bare feet hanging off. A sofa is in the background
Sdi Productions / Getty Images

14."When you rewatch Friends and suddenly find that Tom Selleck is the hottest person in the show."


15."When you've been doing what you do for a living longer than the new people in the profession have been alive."

Several people work at desks with computers in a spacious office with large windows. A person walks by in a blurry motion
Maskot / Getty Images/Maskot

16."When teenagers call you 'sir.'"


17."Everything that I hated as a kid I love now as an older adult. Naps, solitude, staying home, and not being around a lot of people are just a few examples."

A man relaxes on a sofa holding a beverage, with a French Bulldog sleeping on his lap. A patterned pillow and a coffee cup are visible
Gollykim / Getty Images

18."When I look at current music, and I have no idea who anyone is on the top 10 billboards."


19."When I went out to dinner with a group of friends recently, we asked to switch places because the original table we were seated at was too loud 🫠 ."

People having a candlelit dinner with plates of food and glasses of wine around a table
Srdjanpav / Getty Images

20."When you fall over and people laugh, you’re young. If you fall over and people panic, then you're old."


21."Successfully pulling the 'we have food at home' line on myself."`

Person leaning into an open refrigerator in a modern kitchen, wearing a green sweater and blue jeans
Grace Cary / Getty Images

22."A few years ago, my little brother turned 50. That hit hard. My LITTLE brother turned 50!!! I freaked out. It took me a month to come to grips with it."


Can you relate? Tell me in the comments about a sign or an experience that suddenly made you feel old. You can also drop your thoughts into this anonymous form.