‘Peaky Blinders’ Film Spinoff to Begin Production in the Next 18 Months, Screenwriter Says

The “Peaky Blinders” film spin-off will begin production in the next 18 months, according to screenwriter Steven Knight. During an interview with U.K. radio station Heart FM, Knight confirmed that he’s “nearly done” writing the script.

“We’re going to shoot it at the studios in Digbeth, and on location in Digbeth in Birmingham,” he said. “Digbeth and Small Heath [are] where the Peaky Blinders actually roamed, so it’s like ‘Peaky’s’ coming home.”

As for whether fan favorites will return for the film, Knight teased: “There’s going to be some familiar faces and new faces that will hopefully be quite surprising.”

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Knight previously revealed that the upcoming movie will be an “untold story that happened in the Second World War, which the Peakys are going to be involved in.”

The franchise has been building expectations for an upcoming spin-off feature film for quite a while. The finale of “Peaky Blinders” Season 6 was a feature-length episode that was meant as a test run of sorts for a potential film.

“It’s such a Peaky thing to do for the last hurrah. It’s the 10:22 news for one night only,” director Anthony Byrne said in March. “It feels very, very different to the rest of the season. It feels very, very different to anything we’ve done before. It’s very epic in scope. It feels like a film – it’s a kind of dry run for the feature film.”

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