This is the ONE Thing We Think Kim and Trump MUST FIX in Singapore

You must be living under a rock if you haven’t yet heard about the upcoming meeting between two of the world’s most infamous leaders Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. From the news presenter on TV to the uncles gossiping at the coffee shop, just about everyone is talking about it! After all, you can’t not notice the sheer increase in fighter jets practising their manoeuvres within the Singapore airspace, the number of army personnel mobilised for the next week and the constant stream of news reports on this very important meeting.

Will North Korea reunify with South Korea?

Will Singapore be remembered as the city where North Korea promised to embark on denuclearisation?

Exciting, isn’t it?

Denuclearisation and reunification aside, there is one thing that bugs us while keeping up with the latest Kim-Trump news.

We don’t mean to sound condescending but maybe because we are Beauty Undercover, the state of both President Trump’s and Mr Kim’s hair caught our attention.

Based on the countless number of memes on both leaders, we’re not the only ones who noticed. Mr Trump’s orangey toupee-like hair has been the subject of speculation for the past couple of years while Mr Kim hasn’t fared much better with his signature backcombed hairdo. .

Imagine if a hairstylist from Singapore were to give them a hair makeover?

Don’t you think it will change people’s perception of them?

Like it or not, it’s common to judge someone based on their looks. By changing their hairstyle, could they enjoy more popularity back home?

With this in mind, we would like to recommend Mr Trump and Mr Kim to consider trending SG hairstyles that we think may just look good for these two leaders!

Read on to see what they are.

Professional #SGUndercut

Professional Undercut adapted from No. 8 Hair Studio

This by far is our favourite hairstyle for both Mr Trump and Mr Kim. It combines Mr Trumps favourite comb-back with Mr Kim’s favourite fade haircut for a professional looking #SGundercut style. This haircut has actually been trending in Singapore for the past 3-5 years and for good reason.

It’s versatile and flatters almost every face shape as it lengthens your entire face.

Don’t you think it makes both of them look more distinguished?

The Classic #SGSpike

Spike Haircut adapted from HARTS Salon

In hot and humid Singapore, flat hair has always been a concern among both Singaporean men and ladies. Singapore men therefore tend to favour spiky hair because it is easy to style and makes one look younger and more energetic.

If President Trump and Mr Kim is keen for some volume up, a spiky hairstyle is the perfect hairstyle to try here!

Metallic Grey

Metallic Hair Colour adapted from Kenaris Salon

Singapore hair salons is well known for their creativity and skill in achieving vibrant hair colours. In fact, the trending hair colour for men has been metallic grey.

While this is not normally an ideal colour choice for countries’ leaders, President Trump and Mr Kim are not ordinary politicians either.

What’s your take if either Mr Trump or Mr Kim were to rock the #greyhairdontcare trend?

SG Volume Perm

SG Volume Perm adapted from J7 Art of Hair

Haircut and colour aside, men’s perms have been trending in Singapore lately. Don’t worry, we won’t make Mr Trump and Mr Kim look like Phua Chu Kang. Stylists in Singapore have been innovating to create perms that make the hair visibly voluminous without making it too curly.

Check out how it may look on the both of them. Not too bad, right?

Korean Wave Perm

Korean Perm adapted from Pro Trim Korean Salon

What about a Korean Wave Perm? Mr Kim may feel more comfortable getting his hair done with a stronger Korean flavour and this hairstyle definitely does it for him. The Korean Wave Perm gives both Mr Trump and Mr Kim a more flamboyant look that is more fitting of their personalities.

If you’re reading this, Mr Trump and Mr Kim, do consider browsing through our list of top men’s perm styles to see if there is a style that you fancy. You don’t even have to ask for a discount or make a deal, just quote #beautyundercover to get that first-timer discount at these hair salons.

We look forward to your transformation, the SG way, here in Singapore!