What Your November Horoscope Has In Store For Your Zodiac Sign

novemeber 2023 horoscope
Your November 2023 Horoscope Is HereTaia Leituala

Scorpio season is known for its ~intense~ vibes, and this year, that energy is specifically going towards careers. If you’ve been waiting to pull the trigger on starting your LLC, asking for a raise, or generally just living your best life at work, this month will launch you in the right direction.

Mars (the planet of action) and the sun are in Scorpio for most of the month, doubling down on the determination and laser focus necessary to make major moves in your life, says Donna Page, a professional astrologer with a graduate degree in counseling psychology based in Atlanta.

“Mars says go do it, take action. And if you're in my way, I will shove you aside. So we feel a real strong, assertive energy,” says Page. Then there's Saturn, the planet that rules over our ambition and goals, which goes direct in Libra on the 4th, encouraging long-term planning, structural overhauls, and overall upgrades in all areas. And that’s just the astrological forecast for the first week of the month, so you know November is about to be major!

As usual, there are some other dates to keep in mind as you move through the end of fall, and into firey Sagittarius season, which arrives on the 22nd. The new moon in Scorpio on the 13th is made extra strong by Mars’s presence in this sign. Mars also opposes unpredictable Uranus mid-month, so stay open to rapid changes and flexible to unexpected interruptions as these planets add to the go-getter vibes, Page says. Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 24th, lightening things up and adding a bit more adventure and whimsy to the month's energy!

November ends with the full moon in chatty Gemini on the 27th, allowing for a better flow of communication. And good thing because Sagittarius season is all about getting out there through socializing, travel, and following your intuition.

So, what does all this mean for your sign? Keep reading for Page’s breakdown for the whole zodiac.


Aries, if you’ve felt like people are constantly passing you over and underestimating you, November will change that energy. Instead of waiting for the perfect job to land in your lap, go out and seek the financial freedom you’re craving. Scour Indeed, spruce up your LinkedIn and resume, and put yourself out there! You are spending so much time feeling frustrated by your situation that you’re running out of steam when it comes to taking action. Challenge that frustration, and channel the intense Mars energy of this month to find what you’re looking for. Venus, the planet that rules our love lives, moves into Libra on the 8th, bringing a strong romantic energy into the mix. Whether you’re single or happily taken, prepare for some great date nights ahead!

aries october 2021 horoscope
Aya Kakeda


You’re feeling reflective this month, Taurus. Take some time to imagine how younger you would feel about your current position. Chances are, they’d be pretty proud! Allow yourself the time to be grateful for wherever you are in your career, friendships, and love life. Life comes at you fast, so it’s important to savor the sweet moments, Taurus! (Or, take a look around once in a while, as Ferris Bueller would say.) It’s possible that things are about to shift for you in a major way, especially toward the Sagittarius season, which begins on the 22nd. You’re ready to blossom this month in all areas! Keep your eyes open for all the exciting opportunities about to flow your way.

Aya Kaykeda


Gemini, they don’t call you the twins for nothing! A different side of your personality emerges this month, particularly in the work realm. You’re likely ready to completely switch things up—and not just with a new position. I’m talking about a whole new ball game, like moving from fashion PR to mechanical engineering. The new moon in Scorpio on the 13th brings all these feelings to the forefront, but before you jump at the opportunity, take a lesson from slow-moving Saturn. Pump the breaks, Gem! Take time to explore all your options, because you will have many. Mars, the planet of action, is in your work house this month, so chances are things will all sort themselves out by Thanksgiving weekend!

Aya Kaykeda


Cancer, Saturn moving direct on the 4th has your career on your mind. Your 5-year plan is suddenly all you can think about. So, while you’re here, you may as well make sure you’re set up for success. This month, take time to reflect on your industry and wildest career goals. Are you keeping up with the latest technology or information needed to climb the ladder like you want to? Or have you gotten a little too caught up in the day-to-day as of late to keep your eye on the big picture? If it’s the latter, November, and especially the new moon in Scorpio on the 13th, is the time to take care of business, literally. While major changes may not come immediately, they are on the horizon, so prepare, Cancer!

cancer october 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


With the super strong Jupiter and Uranus energy in your sign, things are shifting at work this month. ICYDK Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and Uranus is the planet of change, and they are both spending the month of November in your house of career. All this makes you uniquely positioned to go after your dream position this month, Leo! Being the queen bee of the zodiac, you feel entitled to certain perks at work, and you’re definitely not one to settle for mediocrity. This works to your advantage this month as you allow yourself to dream big and wait for the right opportunity for you. The new moon in Scorpio on the 13th has you asking yourself deeper questions about your work...why do what you do, Leo? It’s important to keep your WHY in mind, especially during this time. When Venus, the planet of love and beauty, moves into Libra, it’ll make communication easier for you. You may find yourself more persuasive than ever, which is *perfect* for your major upcoming upgrade!

leo october 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


To paraphrase the mother of all Virgos, Beyoncé, November is about to “Upgrade U.” You already have a knack for keeping things neat and organized, but your inner Marie Kondo is about to go wild this month. Whether it’s your bedroom, car, career, or vacation plans, you are on a one-person mission to streamline as many things as possible. You can thank Saturn, the planet of productivity, which goes direct on the 4th for all this energy that will prepare you for the middle of the month. When the intense new moon in Scorpio arrives on the 13th—along with the action-oriented Mars—you, like most of the zodiac, may be pondering your career. Keep an open mind when new opportunities appear, even if they come from a very unexpected source. Tap into your network, and don’t be afraid to ask for the big bucks, Virgo! You’re worth it.

virgo october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


November is a lovely time to be you, Libra! Venus, your ruling planet and the planet that rules all things love, beauty, and pleasure, moves into your sign on the 8th. You’ll have a halo of good energy surrounding you, and people will definitely take notice. Your good vibes, natural charm, and wit are attracting attention, making it a great time for networking, or maybe, a new romance! When the new moon in Scorpio arrives on the 13th, it's in your house of finance, putting a focus on your bank account. Look at your current work situation and ensure it aligns with your lifestyle and financial goals. Something outside of your control, like a bump in your rent or other monthly bills, may require a bit more cash than usual when Mars squares unpredictable Uranus around the same time. Don’t hesitate to ask for the money you need and deserve Libra. Your negotiation skills have never been stronger.

libra october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


Happy birthday, Scorpio! Your season is in full force until the sun shifts into Sagittarius on the 22nd, so enjoy this time. It is truly all about you, especially as you enjoy your energy from what is essentially your sign’s collective new year, during the new moon in Scorpio on the 13th. While you’ll want to celebrate and pop the champagne this month, make sure you reflect on your goals and desires, too. Your determination and strength are heightened right now because Mars, the planet of action, is moving through your sign. Make the necessary moves to align yourself with your wildest dreams in career, love, and life in general. The Universe is on your side, Scorpio! But a word for the wise: control what you can and accept what you can’t.

scorpio october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


This month marks the beginning of Sag season on the 22nd, when the sun enters your fiery sign! But before that, it’s time to take some action around your goals and use the productive energy of Saturn, which moves direct on the 4th, to your advantage. Venus, the planet of beauty, pleasure, and love, moves into your house of career on the 8th, allowing you to look at your current job candidly and see if it’s fulfilling you. If the answer is no, it may be time to change things ahead of your birthday season. Luckily, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is in your house of work, allowing for all sorts of opportunities for growth. Don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and do the dirty work, Sag. Your progress in your career is worth fighting for. When the sun enters your sign, and Mars joins on the 24th, you feel more powerful than ever. Get out there and go after what you want, Sag! It’s yours for the taking.

sagittarius october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


Capricorn, November is all about aligning your values and desires with your career and your relationships. If you’re a vegan who wants to homestead with their rancher husband in Montana, maybe working for a deli in New York City and dating an investment banker isn’t the way to get there, ya know? Venus, the planet that rules our love lives, pleasure, and all things beauty, starts the month in analytical Virgo, allowing you to see any moral contradictions in your current situation for what they are. On the 8th, Venus moves into Libra and your house of career. If things are out of whack, this is the time to make changes that better suit your future goals. The full moon in Gemini on the 27th emphasizes your work life, particularly your daily routine. If your habits need a little refresh, Cap, hold yourself accountable, and do your meditations, journaling, or whatever it is that you need to feel centered and refreshed.

capricorn october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


November is sort of a big deal for you, Aquarius! You’re leveling up in your career, and it's time to focus on your finances. The new moon in Scorpio is in your house of career, and, combined with this month’s strong Mars energy, you are ready to take action. If you are not happy with your current career, it is time to finally make a change. If things are not moving the way you want them to, perhaps it’s not worth sticking around, Aquarius. Saturn, a planet with a very productive energy, is pushing you to explore your options and take that giant leap, Aquarius! This planet always puts a spotlight on your wallet. Even if things are stable at the moment, it’s important to take a look at your long-term financial goals and start saving for those big dreams of yours!

aquarius october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


November is going to light a metaphorical fire under your butt, Pisces! This month begins with Saturn, a planet that deals with goals and ambition, moving direct into your sign. It’s time to think about what you must do to get what you want. If you’re hoping to start the next Fortune 500 company, get cracking on your business plan and tap into your network. If you want to be the next big YouTube star, November is the month to buy your camera. Whatever your version of taking that next step toward your future is, now is the time, especially as the new moon in Scorpio arrives on the 13th in your house of knowledge. Mars, the planet of action, also joins the party, making you truly unstoppable, Pisces. When the sun moves into Sag on the 22nd, any confusion you had around work will fall away, and things will become crystal clear. Hold on tight, Pisces! Big things are ahead.

pisces october 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned

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