Millennial Lingo - Decoded

Millennial Lingo – Decoded
Millennial Lingo – Decoded

Every generation contributes to the ever-changing lexicon. And the internet with its twitter born words is pushing the boundaries of languages, especially of the millennials.

Like all things, languages also change with time and age. Words and their meanings evolve with changing trends, as is evident through generations. Each one has a distinctive flavour and odd sounding words and phrases.

Linguistic evolution has leaped a deep chasm in favour of the millennials. A plethora of new phrases and words have popped up and drowned through the years, but some have survived the test of time.
Some of these words are so tricky that even being a young one it can be hard to decipher the words. So, we have decoded some millennial lingo here for you, read on.

Lit – Any event or situation that has grabbed a millennial’s fancy and excited them no end. Example: Ashwin’s concert was lit all the way.
Bae – A term of endearment that is basically an acronym for ‘Before Anyone Else’. But the acronym is under debate and some attributes bae to being a shortened version of ‘baby’. The word can be seen used abundantly in social media. Example: Hanging out at Café Express with bae.

Burn – As it sounds, burn alludes to any sarcastic or witty retort that leaves the receiver embarrassed and rob them of their ability to respond with a comeback. Example: He couldn’t bounce back from the teacher’s sick burn.

Slay – This is used when someone does something that is exceptional or impressive. The word also means someone who carries themselves in excellent form or looks fabulous. Example: Britney slayed the red-carpet last night in a glowing red dress.

Feels – This is a shortened version of feelings but on a completely different level. It can allude to a strong positive feeling, which, you fell can touch your soul. This needn’t be a long-lasting expression of emotion either. Example: The climax of that movie gave me the feels.

Basic–Calling a person basic means that person is unoriginal or predictable. Those people who have no individuality or follow trends blindly are basic in the eyes of millennials. The word can also be used in the case of songs, movies, clothes or pretty much anything that seems bland. Example: Sherry looks so basic with that hat of hers.

Woke – Anyone who claims to have had intellectual enlightenment is called woke. They are more conscious and often more vocal about subjects pertaining to politics and social issues. Example: With his comments on the gender disparity in the office, Harry has shown how woke he is.

Low Key – Usually attributed something that is understated or restrained. The slang is also used in instances when a person doesn’t want to attract attention to something that they are excited about. Example: Christina hosted a low-key dinner the other night at her house.

Some of these words have wormed their way into the Oxford dictionary. And there are interesting facts and backstories for a few.