Mike Huckabee Booed on ‘The View:’ ‘I Do Not Agree’ That Joe Arpaio Is a Racist (Video)

Mike Huckabee, the former Governor of Arkansas, joined his daughter, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, on ABC’s “The View” Wednesday morning to defend Joe Arpaio, the Arizona sheriff that Donald Trump recently pardoned.

“I know Joe Arpaio. I do not agree that he’s a racist,” Huckabee told host Sunny Hostin. “I do not agree.”

His statement garnered “boos” from the audience.

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“He’s an 85-year-old man and he has been a sheriff and he has enforced the law in his county,” Huckabee said, to which Hostin replied, “I hope we can disagree.”

“Listen, we’re living in a country where everybody disagrees, okay?” Huckabee replied. “I can hardly find agreement within my own family sometimes.”

“But what you also mentioned was this was a president who not only did the important job of sending out federal resources to assist in Texas, but then he got criticized for not showing enough empathy, he goes back, he hugs people, and then people are saying, we got to find something to hate this guy for,” Huckabee continued, shifting his defense from Arpaio to Trump.

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“Take what he does,” Huckabee countered when host Joy Behar said no one believes Trump anymore. “What he did in that hurricane relief is what’s important. And what he did was ensure that every federal agency was fully engaged in helping those people, and then that he was giving attention to it on a personal level.”

“But folks, look, there’s so much Trump hate out here, that if he took a drinking straw and sucked out every drop of flood water from Houston and spit it into the Gulf of Mexico, they would have said he should have spit it into the Indian Ocean,” Huckabee said.

Watch the full clip above.

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