This Is How to Make Meghan Markle’s Signature Cocktail

This Is How to Make Meghan Markle’s Signature Cocktail

The weather may not be on our side for the Coronation, but that’s not going to stop us from indulging in a classic British summer cocktail to mark the Coronation of our new King, we are of course talking about, the one and only Pimm’s. And, according to Meghan Markle’s former blog The Tig, it turns out that Meghan loves a bit of a summertime bev too.

Meghan deleted the blog back in 2017, just a few months before Prince Harry and Meghan announced their engagement. But using some clever tech beyond our comprehension, someone managed to uncover a load of posts, reported Bustle.

We already knew that Meghan was a girl after our own booze-sodden hearts as the blog itself was named after Meghan’s favorite bottle of red wine: Tiganello. However, when it comes to summer shindigs, Meghan is more of a fan of sipping a crisp Sauvignon Blanc or fruity cocktail.

meghan markle signature cocktail
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In a blog post, Meghan wrote: "Sun kissed afternoons, cocktail in hand, surrounded by nothing but the laughter of your closest mates, an Otis Redding playlist, and the whistling breeze of the wind. I’m talking about perfection, people.

"The perfection that comes with summertime. Picnics and barbecues, laying out by the pool with friends, and toasting to the season are high on my list. And while I generally opt to whet my whistle with a glass of rosé or crisp Sauvignon Blanc, sometimes the day calls for a cocktail. Cue the Tig Cup."

The TIG Cup is Meghan’s own riff on a Summer Cup – a summer punch-style drink, often featuring a fizzy mixer to make it refreshing and longer, plus chopped fruit for garnish. Pimm’s is a classic example – and Meghan’s own recipe isn’t far off.

The alcohol base comprises of gin and Maraschino Cherry liqueur, which sounds positively delightful. Her recipe doesn’t include measurements, so you can make it as strong or as weak as you please. On the liqueur, Meghan says “I personally loathe syrupy sweet drinks but this has just enough of a subtle sweetness that it really acts as more of a back note in the drink. Plus the maraschino cherry of it all reminds me of drinking Shirley temples as a little girl.”

meghan markle signature cocktail
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This is topped up with both tonic water and soda water. Meghan suggests slightly more soda than tonic: "I don’t gravitate to the taste of tonic so I always go heavier on the soda, but feel free to […] play around with it to taste.”

Why you’d put something you don’t necessarily like in your own signature cocktail, we don’t quite understand – but we’re rolling with it.

While a classic Pimm’s might be finished with cucumber, strawberries, orange and mint, the Tig Cup’s garnish goes slightly more savoury. Meghan recommends cucumber ribbons, grapefruit rind, thinly sliced radishes, celery, lime and mint for the perfect accompaniments.

"Any or all of the listed ingredients are great, but the key pieces are citrus and herbs," she says. "If you don’t have grapefruit, lemon works. No radish, no problem."

We will definitely be trying her cocktail recipe this Coronation weekend.

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