Meet the Arab Superstar Antonio Suleiman
Meet the famous Arab superstar who went from 0 to million in 1 year of hard and clever work only using his phone.
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Everyone has talent. What's rare is the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads. That’s the story of Syria-born Antonio Suleiman, the actor who needs no further introduction, a famous actor, a growing singer, and a social media influencer. With his unique style that made his videos conquer millions of screens worldwide and especially in the Arab world, he is the talk of almost every mature guy and girl in the Arab world.
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. Antonio has a diverse career in a short span of time and has a strong impact as an actor and singer. In 2012, he went to Germany to start a new life from zero. Often a person meets his destiny where he has never thought of that and that was the case with Antonio Suleiman. He had an extremely difficult past from which he emerged to.
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It is said that talent can't be taught, it can be awakened. Antonio discovered his talent when he was 18 years old working in a theatre as an actor, he was playing his roles very well, everybody loved him and cheered for him, he knew deep down that he will be a famous actor one day.
He started his career in Europe in the year 2017 when he was 22 years old when he first started shooting adult videos for some companies, didn’t work well with his bosses back in the day, so he left his job, and wanted to start his own business, his first try was his first movie (The Arabian King), he got a bit popular after this movie, but it wasn’t a big of a change for Antonio’s Career, he didn’t give up so he traveled to another city searching for jobs, some companies hired him for a couple of shots and that was it so he knew he had to make a move that makes him independent and successful.
If it's impossible, it's impossible for them and not for you. He started shooting amateur videos on his own, in his house, till one day he came up with an idea of shooting a cuckold video (a man with his wife) and that day changed Suleiman’s life forever and he got 100k followers on Twitter.
Antonio Started growing his company peace by peace, slowly slowly, he always had a clear mind and a futuristic vision that made him grow bigger than all his concurrences, he concords all of Europe and went beyond it to brazil and a lot of other countries to expand his business, he never wanted anything to limit him.
His company grew so much in the first year, he made his first 1 million dollars when he was 24 years old using only his phone, he helped a lot of people get jobs, and work with him, he just saw people as people and what defined a good man from a bad man was their honesty and their love for their job, not their religion or their ethnicities.
Antonio Got his German citizenship in 2020, after learning German to a very good level, and contributing to the country tax, he earned the citizenship, and by that, he became double citizenship (Syrian and German) .
Nothing limited Antonio’s talents, as a multitalented guy and a businessman he always found a place for more so he wanted to step up the game and enter the music industry, he wrote and compose, and sang his first song with its title (Gam Gam) that got Millions of views in the first hours, It was a huge success!! A lot of young people in the Arab world were listening to it in their cars and sharing videos on their social media accounts while driving and listening to Antonio’s Song.
He wanted to combine the 2. After the success with Antonio’s First song (Gam Gam) he wanted to combine his 2 talents (Acting and singing) and he made his first Music Video clip for the song, which also got a huge success, and viewing rates of more than a million in the first hours of lunch, his video had a great story written by Antonio himself and it was directed by him to have it all registered just for him, the story of the video was about a speed boat with 5 girls onboard, they found Antonio lost in the middle of the sea, they rescue him, and the end of the clip was very surprising and emotional.
Antonio is an actor, director, writer, singer, a composer he shot more than 500 movies over 2 years and now he managed to compose and write another 2 songs that he released weeks after his first song, and he declared that he has tens of songs are waiting this year, and hundreds of movies, also he is starting his own brand of perfume that will be manufactured in France and sold worldwide.
Antonio doesn’t know what borders mean, he lives in Europe and travels constantly to a lot of countries around the world.