Mark Hamill was ‘really scared’ to return to Star Wars

Mark Hamill
Mark Hamill

He’s one of the trio of actors that formed the backbone of the Star Wars franchise, but it didn’t stop Mark Hamill from feeling more than a little trepidation about revisiting his beloved character Luke Skywalker.

In a new interview with The New York Times, the 66-year-old recalled that he and the late Carrie Fisher were invited to lunch by George Lucas in 2012, where he asked them if they would be a part of the new trilogy of movies. But while Fisher agreed almost immediately, Hamill was much less enthusiastic:

“I was just really scared. I thought, why mess with it? The idea of catching lightning in a bottle twice was ridiculously remote…No one wants to see the 50-, 60-, 70-year-old versions of us, running around, bumping heads on the Death Star. It’s sad.”

And while he hoped that his co-star Harrison Ford would reject a return – “He’s too old and too rich and too cranky. He’s not going to do this.” – his hopes were dashed when Ford agreed to come back. “Can you imagine if I was the only one to say no? I’d be the most hated man in nerd-dom.”

Hamill ended up being the (SPOILER ALERT) final reveal in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (see our review). Meanwhile, Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens in Singapore on December 15, where Hamill will definitely play a much bigger role.

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