Malaysians come together to help aunty with Alzheimer’s selling homemade curry puffs & kaya

Malaysia may be known mostly for its beautiful sights and endless options of good food, but what we’re actually really proud of is when someone is in need of assistance, Malaysians will band together to help them out. We’ve witnessed this admirable act time and time again during the Covid-19 pandemic. The most recent incident I’d like to share today is how one Malaysian brought people together to help a curry puff seller.

Aunty Joyce - curry puff

Vanessa Leong wrote on her Facebook page of her encounter with Aunty Joyce, a curry puff seller. She encountered Aunty Joyce selling her homemade curry puffs and kaya spread on two small red stools in Damansara Uptown. According to Vanessa, Aunty Joyce is retired and struggling to make ends meet through the little curry puff stall. She has no children, never got married and is living with her other siblings who are also single. And to add to that, she also suffers from mild Alzheimer’s.

“RM5 may not be a lot to us but it means a lot to her. Instead of getting that cup of Starbucks coffee, we can get 4 curry puffs from her! Plus, her home made curry puff is delicious and very crunchy!” she wrote in her post, encouraging everyone to support local businesses. And thanks to the power of social media and kind-hearted Malaysians, Aunty Joyce has been able to sell her curry puffs at a quicker pace now!

Aunty Joyce - Facebook comment

Each packet costs RM5 and the recipe has stood the test of time, having been around for 45 years. The pastry shell is flaky and not oily and the best part? Aunty Joyce is generous with the filling so you know you’ll be in for delicious treat. She also has a cousin, Ms Yang who helps her. For those of you looking for homemade curry puffs, you can place an order at +6017 688 9093.

And if you’re ever around Damansara Uptown, do swing by for a packet of her delicious curry puffs. You can find her in front of Family Mart from 7.30am until sold out from Tuesdays to Sundays— not available on Mondays.

Malaysia boleh!

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