Louisa Mak will not refrain herself from sharing opinions

27 Feb – After an unflattering end to her 2017 with a backlash over her sexual assault confession, Louisa Mak stated that her goal in the Year of the Dog is to continue to speak up against injustice and other social issues.

As reported on Mingpao, the actress who sat down for a Lunar New Year interview recently, stated that she will not let the criticisms discourage her, as she hopes to inspire people through her outspokenness.

"I have already been criticised so many times before, so I will not deliberately limit myself. By speaking out, you can inspire others to have more perspectives. So I do think it's worth it," she said.

On the other hand, the Cambridge University graduate said that she has begun to adapt to the showbiz life after three years in the business. However, she also hopes to start her own business and engage herself in education-related projects.

"After seeing the various educational methods while I was studying overseas, coupled with my parents' experience in the field for more than 30 years, I hope that we can use it to do something for Hong Kong's education," she said.

(Photo Source: Louisa Mak Instagram)