The Last Mercury Retrograde of the Year Is Here

a planet in space
The Last Mercury Retrograde of 2023 Is HereGetty/Margie Rischiotto

It’s the most hectic time of year, and things are, unfortunately, about to get a little more chaotic. The last Mercury Retrograde of the year begins on December 13 in the sign of Capricorn, before moving into Sagittarius on December 23 and ending on January 1. Miscommunications, scheduling issues, reconnecting with exes, and all other sorts of mishaps come with Mercury Retrograde, so get ready! Taurus and Virgo are having the easiest time with this retrograde, while Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are having the most trouble keeping up.

When Mercury is in Capricorn, you become more detail-oriented, practically minded, and matter-of-fact. You want to speak with confidence, so you say things that you know you know. This is great for being productive, working hard, and getting shit done, but when it comes to being nice or talking about your feelings? Not so much. When you throw Mercury Retrograde into that mix, things can get extra tricky! It’s easy to come off as cutthroat right now, or at least very inconsiderate. Instead of being stuck in this Capricorn-y mindset of “Let me say what I have to say!” why don’t you try listening? Mercury in Capricorn can make you feel like a bit of a know-it-all, so it’s important to realize that you do not, in fact, know it all, so you can avoid unnecessary arguments. Be a good listener!

On top of classic miscommunication issues, this retrograde is also bringing back exes! Not necessarily ex lovers, though—the sign of Capricorn is very business-minded, so you’re more likely to get in touch with old coworkers, old bosses, or maybe a job from back in the day will want to re-hire you in a new position. Never say yes to these things during a retrograde, though! Take it slow. See what the deal is. Do you want them back in your life, or do they need to go for good? Take your time to consider the options, and once the retrograde ends, you’ll know what to do.

The good news is that this Mercury Retrograde is sharing a supportive sextile aspect with Venus, the planet of love, and a harmonious trine aspect with Jupiter, the optimistic planet of expansion. That means that when problems (especially relationship problems) pop up, you’re more able to think things through and make a plan for success. Avoid your impulse to jump to conclusions or start an argument when an issue pops up, and use this astro to help you find a real solution. The next few weeks will have a bunch of ups and downs, but you got this!

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope for Mercury Retrograde below:


All eyes are on you! The most public part of your chart is being lit up by this Mercury Retrograde, so people are watching closely, especially true at work. Obstacles are coming. You’ll be doing and redoing a lot, you have a ton of busy work, and you feel like you're absolutely drowning in tasks. Get up and do them! If you do the work now, you'll get great results later.


If you have any holiday travel plans, I need you to triple-check your schedule, make sure you have everything packed, and don’t you dare be late. Missing a bus or plane can very easily happen to you this Mercury Retrograde, because it’s lighting up your chart’s travel zone. Plan on showing up to everything early, because if you get there on time, you’ll be late.


It’s time to balance out your budget, Gemini. Subscription services you no longer use, bills you keep “forgetting” to pay, and all of those late-night Postmates orders are adding up and your bank account is looking pretty bad as a result. You need to get serious. Sit down, look at your financial situation, and figure out what can go. You don’t have to get rid of everything, but you need to balance things out. Maybe start with getting rid of Netflix Premium and watch Bridgerton with ads.


Relationship drama incoming! This retrograde is bringing back your exes, and if there’s any business between you that hasn’t been dealt with, now’s the time to squash the beef. You might want to confront them, but hold back and hear them out. Do you want them back, or should they be long gone from your life? Remember that it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. The ball’s in your court right now, Cancer, so make a decision. Are they in or out?


You gotta get your rear in gear, Leo. Too much playing around and catnapping while has added up, and your life is kind of a mess right now. You have to tidy up everything. Make your bed, sweep, dust, etc. Clean your place, but also you need to clean up your act. If you’re feeling crummy, try getting up and active or eating something besides fast food and takeout. Little, healthy changes can turn into big, lasting lifestyle habits, and now’s the best time to make that change.


Your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun is getting lit up by this Mercury Retrograde. Exes—not so much ex-lovers, but ex-hookups or ex-flings—are likely to come back around, but it doesn’t look like they’re feeling malicious. This is also a time of potential weirdness in the bedroom. The stuff that usually gets you going just… isn’t. So it’s time to try something (or someone!) new! Get experimental, be a little ~kinky~, and you’ll breeze through this retrograde just fine.


Life at home is getting a little wild. First, you can expect a dishwasher, or a washing machine, or a toaster to malfunction. If you can, wait til the end of the retrograde to replace it. Second, your roomies and/or family members are causing a little more stress than usual. If you need to retreat to your room and just be a hermit, that’s fine—but if you’re able to talk things out and find a solution, you’ll end the retrograde actually being closer to them.


First of all, check your spam folder—important messages are very likely to get missed right now, s. Second, words are… hard for you right now. Mercury Retrograde is in your chart’s communication zone, and that means that finding the right thing to say is tough. It’s very important that you think through what you want to say before opening your mouth right now. Also, make sure you run that spell check and double-check the recipient before you send any important emails or risky texts right now!


You identify strongly with your morals and values, so whenever someone has different morals or values, it can easily feel like a personal attack on you. You’re being exposed to different people with different mindsets right now. Instead of looking at them and thinking about how wrong they are, try opening up a little and listening! There’s tons of potential to learn and work as a team with others right now, but if you can’t help but act like you’re always right about everything, you’ll just spend the next few weeks doing a lot of arguing.


Since this retrograde is in your sign, you’re (obvs) bearing the brunt of this astro-weather. Exes are coming back around, old job connections are getting in touch, long-lost friends are reemerging, and it’s a lot happening all at once. But here’s the good news: You are the one in control here. If you want these old things back in your life, welcome them back in. If you’re tired of them, kick them out. The start of a new cycle is coming, but you have to get rid of all these leftovers first.


This retrograde is lighting up your chart’s 12th house, the hidden zone of isolation and the completion of cycles. That means you’re not getting much action when it comes to new connections, and you’re spending a lot of time thinking about the past. Your sign is most likely to deal with exes during this retrograde, too. It sucks having to dredge up the past like this, but you can’t move forward with all of this baggage holding you back.


Your squad is playing a game of musical chairs right now. Your good friends are becoming frienemies, your bestie is disappearing then reappearing, and there is a ton of shade-throwing and shit-talking happening. Who’s the source of the drama? What the hell is going on? You need to find out which of your friends are really sticking up for you and which one is causing the drama. Once you get that all sorted out, there’ll be plenty of space for new, better friends to enter your life.

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