Kimmel Notes How Old and ‘Low Energy’ Trump Was in 2024 Speech: ‘He Seemed Kind of out of It’ (Video)

On Tuesday Donald Trump followed his almost-total losing record in the 2022 midterms — he endorsed a slate of extremist right wing republicans, all of them election deniers and many of them openly racist, almost all of whom lost — by announcing he’ll be running for president in 2024.

And on Wednesday, Jimmy Kimmel took a closer look at Trump’s speech, noting among other things that Trump looks pretty old and tired. “He seemed kind of out of it,” Kimmel said.

Kimmel also took a look at some of the extremist positions Trump took, as well as the lies and conspiracy theories he told during his speech.

“It was quite, I don’t know if you watched this but it was quite the scene at Mar A Lago last night,” Kimmel began, explaining that Trump’s entrance music was a song from “Les Misérables.”

“And I can think of no better way to kick off another Trump campaign, than with ‘Les Miserables.’ It’s a musical about a criminal with a hot daughter who gets away with it in the end,” Kimmel joked. “And sorry, I Should have said spoiler alert.”

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“Whatever the soundtrack, Trump is waddling for President again. You know, he hasn’t actually conceded the last election yet. If he won that, you know if he beat Joe Biden in 2020, as he constantly says he did, he shouldn’t even be allowed to run. He’s termed out now,” Kimmel continued.

Kimmel argued that Trump is running in order “to try to slow down the many, many criminal investigations he’s at the center of right now. He’s basically a bank robber on the run from the cops, and the White House – is a dumpster behind an Arby’s he’s trying to hide in.”

“He gave a weird, rambling speech. With so many false statements, it makes you wonder where he’s even getting them. I don’t know if he’s making them up, but he bragged about many imagined accomplishments, and seemed especially proud that he didn’t get us in a war,” Kimmel went on.

Kimmel then played a clip of Trump’s speech in which he said, haltingly, “I’ve gone decades, decades, without a war, the first president to do it for that long a period.”

“Even Donald Trump thinks his four years in office felt like decades,” Kimmel cracked, before moving immediately to address how Trump performed.

Like many people, Kimmel noticed something was really off about it, and pointed out that Trump looked old and tired in the speech. “I have to say, you know, we poke a lot of fun at Joe Biden, but he seemed kind of out of it. He was so low energy, we might have to start calling him ‘Jeb,'” Kimmel said, referencing JEB Bush.

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“He was reading from a teleprompter, which we know he doesn’t like to do, and he turns it into a conversation with himself.  He’ll be like, ‘We promised to build the wall, and we built the wall. We did build the wall. We completed the wall. And now we will build more wall,’” Kimmel added.

Then Kimmel ran through the particulars of Trump’s speech, like how he advocated for a missile defense system, and his call for people caught selling drugs to be unconstitutionally executed.

“Pay attention to the crowd’s reaction here,” Kimmel said while playing a clip of Trump saying that. “They’re cheering. They’re cheering for quick trials and same-day executions, huh? I mean – how sick do you have to be to clap for that? Especially in a room full of secret cokeheads,” he said.

Then Kimmel noted the abject hypocrisy of that. “By the way, I just wanna say, if you guys love these ideas of these quick trials and immediate executions so much, what’s with all the appeals and delays from your armies of lawyers for all the many crimes you’ve been charged with? Let’s get you right up in front of the judge, and by the end of the day, let justice be done, right?”

Kimmel then noted an embarrassing fact for Trump: His speech appeared to bore even the supporters who gathered for it.

“It was a long night. The speech was an hour and four minutes long. At a certain point, people were trying to leave the ball room, but security forced them to stay. It was like a room full of Melanias, begging to be set free,” he said, adding that “even Fox News cut away from his speech before it was over.

Kimmel also laughed at how the New York Post mocked Trump’s speech, relegating to page 26 with a headline, “Been There, Don that.”

“My, how the worm has turned,” Kimmel marveled.

Kimmel also noted that several prominent Trump supporters were absent from his announcement, including most of his children. Kimmel also joked, about Ivanka Trump’s announcement she won’t be involved in any 2024 campaign, “he can’t do this without Ivanka, that’s like rebooting ‘Sex and the City’ without Samantha,” which is precisely what has actually happened in real life.

There’s plenty more, and you can watch the whole monologue above.