Kate Upton and Justin Verlander Revealed Their Daughter’s Face for the First Time Ever

2022 world series game 6 philadelphia phillies v houston astros
Kate Upton and Justin Verlander’s Kid Is Too CuteRob Tringali - Getty Images

The Houston Astros won the World Series over the Philadelphia Phillies this weekend (so I hear, was busy rewatching The Crown during this time), and Justin Verlander celebrated the big moment with his wife, Kate Upton, and their 3-year-old daughter, Genevieve! As People noted, Kate and Justin rarely (never?) show their daughter on social media, but Genevieve was front and center on Saturday to celebrate her dad’s win and couldn’t have been cuter:

world series philadelphia phillies v houston astros game six
Harry How - Getty Images
world series  philadelphia phillies v houston astros game six
Rob Carr - Getty Images
2022 world series game 6 philadelphia phillies v houston astros
Mary DeCicco - Getty Images
2022 world series game 6 philadelphia phillies v houston astros
Cooper Neill - Getty Images

Kate chatted about Justin’s big moment during an interview with Fox News, saying, “It’s all an incredible experience. Having Justin home and being able to be together as a family is so amazing and then to go to the exact extreme and be here at the World Series and then win is just so exciting and so worth it. We miss him every time he goes away.” She added, “This is the most we get to see him. Just to see him do what he loves, just to see him do his craft, he’s such an artist out there. When he’s pitching, it’s really so creative, such an art, and we are so honored.”

I mean…this is maybe the cutest thing ever?

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