'Jurassic World' Instant Commentary: Colin Trevorrow on the Indominus Rex Rampage

There’s a story behind every frame of a film, and Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow told us some great ones. In our latest installment of red shirt, a nod to the classic device made famous in early Star Trek episodes. Trevorrow hired his good buddy Eric Edelstein to play the portlier guard, only to kill him off — he’s the second casualty here. And producer Steven Spielberg (who directed the original 1993 Jurassic Park) had a major hand in one of the subsequent moments. The shot of the Indominus lowering her head to ground level next to the truck where Grady is hiding was dreamed up by Spielberg, who drew it out for Trevorrow on a napkin after watching the dailies.

We wonder how Spielberg’s dino drawing stacks up against Pratt and Trevorrow’s:

Jurassic World is now in theaters.