James Gunn and Peter Safran Tease DC Plans in Warner Bros. Discovery Town Hall: ‘A Unique Opportunity to Tell One Great Overarching Story’

The era of James Gunn and Peter Safran and the new DC Studios umbrella has officially begun. And in a town hall meeting Thursday at Warner Bros. Discovery, the co-CEOs and chairpersons were introduced to the company at large, with Gunn and Safran clearly mapping out their plans for the division.

According to an insider, Safran and Gunn were lovingly introduced by Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav and remarked that they are working on a bible for a cohesive DC Universe that will span multiple business units over a full decade.

After the introduction Safran said, “This was such a unique opportunity to tell one great overarching story … One beautiful big story across film, television gaming, live-action, and animation.”

Gunn, who wrote and directed last summer’s ‘The Suicide Squad” and is in the midst of prepping the second season of the HBO Max spin-off series “Peacemaker,” proclaimed: “I love Superman and I love Batman. I love their interaction. I love the ways in which they’re the same and the ways in which they are completely different.”

Gunn then said to Zaslav: “David, I just have to say quickly that I know that you are doing all this because you love these characters too, and you love the possibility, and the hope that they represent and that has been clear to us from the beginning. We would have never considered this if that wasn’t the case, so, thank you.”

Might be good to keep in mind that Zaslav scrapped an entire live action “Batgirl” movie and booted an animated “Batman” series from Matt Reeves and J.J. Abrams from HBO Max. That series is currently seeking a new streaming partner and many, if not all, of the Abrams-produced DC projects are in limbo. (On Mastodon of all places, Gunn recently clarified that all DC films will be under this DC Studios umbrella, including Reeves’ follow-up (follow-ups?) to “The Batman.”)

At the end of the introduction, Zaslav said how excited he was to be working with Gunn and Safran, to make these “characters come to life.”

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