Your Horoscope for the Full Moon in Capricorn Is Here

a moon surrounded by saturn's rings
Your Horoscope for the Full Moon in CapricornGetty/Margie Rischiotto

Full Moons are a time for releasing and relinquishing. If you have an excess in your life, this is the time for it to go down the drain. Through silent meditation, exchanging of thoughts, or spiritual practice, Full Moons are a point when we can let go.

Following Western astrology, these new and complete moon guides are monthly reminders to set and review your intention—your horoscope is a rudimentary prompt for self-reflection.

Patience truly is a virtue, and the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 3 is an invitation to reflect on how prudence is your best friend. What is meant for you will be yours if it’s meant to be—or at least that’s what the spiritual girlies believe. Just keeping it real: I complete agree with trusting that through continued efforts, a realistic plan, and a willingness to progress, anyone can bring their goals to life. But in true Capricorn spirit, there must be a willingness to wait and to put in the labor. Simply put, if you plant the seeds of what you desire, you have to give it time to mature. The maturation process is far more than just reaping the fruits of your labor. It requires optimism or just flat-out confidence. As you set your seeds in the ground, recognize that it takes time for them to spout. It can take weeks or months for your goals to mature; even longer for a viable harvest to occur. Depending on your goals, just like depending on the plant, you may find yourself waiting months or years for your dreams to actualize! The reason why that’s a good thing is because there is such a thing as being ready. Just because you’re eager doesn’t mean you’re “it,” yet.

On Jul 3, 2023, at 7:38 AM EST, the Full Moon in Capricorn opposes the Sun in Cancet. Cancer represents the ability to intuitively understand, either through memories or through an ability to engage in empathy. On the other hand, Capricorns know how to create a sense of detachment, even if they feel for the subject of their care. Before shutting yourself off emotionally or treating people with distance, try listening, and listening, and then listening again. I associate this Full Moon with the color opalite blue. You might feel a sense of soft sadness, but trust that there’s more than one emotion afoot.

Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign for guidance on how to nurture your inner child (no one is perfect). If you find your horoscope helpful, please share it and tag me on social media @monishaholmes.

Your Horoscope for the Full Moon in Capricorn:


Aries, how much energy do you have to give to your career? As above, so below. The planets tell a story about your home life and how it translates to your career. As you find yourself in your home, think about how much of your private life you wish to share with the world. You may need to be cautious of how much you give; sometimes less is more.


Taurus, you might be right, but what good is being correct if you’re misunderstood? There is such a thing as waiting for the right time to express yourself. Give yourself time to process your thoughts before you communicate them. You might want to hold your thoughts and give yourself more time to become clear on exactly what you want to convey. When in doubt, write down your feelings and ideas, then read them to yourself out loud.


Gemini, conclusions are conclusions and yo-yos are games. Be sure you’re careful how you navigate the world around the Full Moon in Capricorn. You may feel the desire to call it quits as it pertains to an aspect of your career. Is it that you really want to break up with your goals? Or do you need to think on how the challenges you’re facing bring up difficult memories?


Cancer, take a nap. Beloved, as opposed to extending yourself further than you can reach for your loved one, this Full Moon is a great time for you to rest. Cancer energy moves so quickly through the world; yours is a cardinal water sign that is ruled by the Moon. Changing through phases and channeling energies as the days pass can be exhausting—do zodiac signs get tired? Thankfully, you are human and you deserve to rest.


Leo, when you have a concern, you deserved to be checked on. Is your system operating as you need it to? Are you able to meet your deadlines, take on new projects, and make time for rest? Take this Full Moon as an opportunity to do a full mind, body, and heart scan. How is your mind feeling, Leo? How about your body? Notice any aches and pains you’re having. And your heart, dear, how are you emoting lately?


Virgo, sometimes you have to be the Debbie downer. As much as I wish we could play through life forever, there is a time and place for pleasure. When it comes time to practicing your knowledge, you may have to hold a stern face, no smiles, just compassion. How do you strike a balance between joy and the rest of life? There is work to do, so get it done.


Libra, prioritize your future. Are you secure? Do you have all the resources necessary to protect you in case of an emergency? A high-yield savings account? Investments? Assets? Or are you swimming through a pool of liabilities? Libra, each time you tend to Future You, you make it easier to breathe. Put on your life jacket and start swimming.


Scorpio, life gets better. The North and South Nodes of Fate have been in your houses of self and relationships for the past 18 months. Followers of astrology have likely taken this time to think through how to give more to their relationships, close friends, and marital goals. Take this Full Moon to reflect on how much you’ve learned over the past three years. You have endless potential for growth, which becomes more than just imagination when you put in the work.


Sagittarius, you’re a tough cookie with a whole lot of feelings. Your values take time to develop, and once you know what you believe, it’s very hard to change your mind. If you feel as though you’re experiencing disrespect and harsh thoughts, then it may be time to let go of a relationship. How do you hurt yourself by compromising your values?


Capricorn, it’s okay to let yourself be sensitive. Funnily enough, some adults seem to act as though a characteristic of maturity is a hardened self. There are people who believe that it is childish to cry, and even worse, to express the reason for your pain to another person. As a result, some people grow up with a belief that they should build a fortress around their heart. It’s okay to begin creating a blueprint for your fortress’ door.


Aquarius, getting a little too lost in your mind may be a source of problems. Thinking is one of your most powerful tools, which is probably why it’s banned in certain states. The problem with thinking is that when a person lives so much in their imagination that they neglect to test their hypothesis. The difference between ideas and theory is that theory is the closest thing to scientific fact.


Pisces, being hard on yourself gets you nowhere. My dear, you’re breathing and that is a gift. Be careful how you treat yourself during this Full Moon. Being cruel to yourself is a form of injustice. Be your own best friend and make sure you make space for play.

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