Home remedies to effectively keep lice away

A mother using a comb to look for head lice
A mother using a comb to look for head lice

Head lice are the most common type of insect found in people. Lice are a huge problem, and everyone should get rid of them as soon as possible. There are many different home remedies to help with the removal of lice. Fortunately, there are home remedies for head lice, and these remedies are easy and straightforward to do.

  • Water-salt/Vinegar-water mix

One of the easiest remedies is to use hot water and salt. When you apply this mixture onto the ice, it will immediately kill them off. Another home remedy on how to keep them away is to use vinegar and water. When you put this combination onto the lice, it will immediately kill them off.

  • Apple cider vinegar

Another easy home remedy that is very effective in killing lice is to apply apple cider vinegar. You simply have to pour it onto your bed before you call it a day!

  • Essential oils

Hair remedy of all-purpose ayurvedic medicinal herb i.e. Neem or Nim or Indian lilac in a glass bowl along with neem leaves, freshwater & tea tree oil for dandruff or hair skin itching problems.
Hair remedy of all-purpose ayurvedic medicinal herb i.e. Neem or Nim or Indian lilac in a glass bowl along with neem leaves, freshwater & tea tree oil for dandruff or hair skin itching problems.

Essential oils are also an excellent home remedy for lice because they soothe and kill the lice and their eggs. They are safe and do not harm children, pets or humans in any way.

One of the many home remedies for lice that have been found useful is applying tea tree oil. This natural oil can be found in essential shampoos and body washes. The oils are a natural anti-viral, which will help fight the lice. Dilute the oil into a spray bottle and apply it to the areas where there are signs of a lice infestation.

  • Keep up the hygiene!

One of the most common home remedies to keep lice away from your home is to spray the floors with any good disinfectant.

Other home remedies to keep lice away from your home include regular vacuuming. Check fringes and folds in your carpeting for loose hair or lice. By removing these small and apparent infestation signs, you can prevent them from multiplying.

No remedy is 100 % effective. You may need to try several medications before finding one that works for you. The home remedies' effectiveness to keep lice away wholly depends on the individual.