Former Olympian Lindsey Vonn Prepped For Turkey Day With A Chin-Dripping Sweat Sesh

  • Lindsey Vonn showed off her strength in two recent workout videos on Instagram.

  • The former Olympic skier, 37, played a sweaty tennis match before cooling down with a paddleboard sesh.

  • Both playing tennis and paddleboarding offer full-body workout benefits.

Lindsey Vonn is no stranger to showing off (rightfully so) her incredible strength on Instagram. The former Olympic skier, 37, shared the two Thanksgiving workouts she powered through this year—a sweat-inducing game of tennis and a rocky paddle board session with her pup.

On the social media platform, Lindsey first posted a glimpse of her tennis match—a quick rally with chin-dripping sweat as the result. “Turkey day prep with a very solid chin drip 💧!! I love tennis, it’s such a great workout!,” she captioned the post.

Followers praised her footwork, with one commenting, “you are scary GOOD….❤️👍👏”

Lindsey cooled down by paddle boarding with a furry companion for a second workout later in the holiday weekend. While she looked effortless on the board, she and the pup took a tumble into the water, which probably felt amazingly refreshing. “I could see this coming…best part is the 2 people on a jet-ski pointing and laughing 😂🤦🏼♀️,” she captioned the Instagram video.

The clip of Lindsey’s tennis match proves her ability to conquer any sport. The match gives the retired pro athlete a full-body workout—from her core, glutes, quads, shoulders, and forearms. (If you wanted to know if tennis was good cardio, I think her sweaty results are telling!)

While her paddle boarding clip doesn’t exactly display the full upper body strength the intense workout requires (cue the fall), Lindsey’s arms, shoulders, and chest were probably feeling the burn post-tennis match. Plus, the balancing act of paddle boarding is perfect for building strength and endurance.

Previously, the Olympian told Women’s Health that when it comes to workouts she likes to listen to her brain and body. She’s known to conquer tough total-body circuits and tempo exercises, all complete with a solid amount of sweat. Lindsey tops her wellness routine off with healthy meals and of course, fashionable workout ‘fits.

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