Former Channel 8 actress Wang Xiu Yun dies

Former Channel 8 actress Wang Xiu Yun. (Photo: Xiang Yun/Instagram)
Former Channel 8 actress Wang Xiu Yun. (Photo: Xiang Yun/Instagram)

Former Channel 8 actress Wang Xiu Yun has died, her ex-colleague Xiang Yun said in an Instagram post.

According to a report by 8 Days magazine, Xiang Yun said Wang, who was 72 years old, had diabetes and kidney failure. She had rejected dialysis treatment.

Wang was seen on television from the 1970s to the 1990s. She began her acting career when Mediacorp was known as Radio and Television Singapore. She is best remembered for her role as a selfless mother in the 1989 Channel 8 drama “A Mother’s Love”, which also starred Zoe Tay and Li Nanxing.

Xiang Yun, writing on National Day, said of Wang, “She would often be surrounded by younger actors, chatting with them; she cared about everyone, and everyone loved to joke with her.”

中午听到秀云姐逝世的消息,心情沉重了久久不能说话。我脑海里的秀云姐定格在我踏入电视台时,她那甜甜的笑容,圆圆的大眼睛,娇滴滴的声音。那时与秀云姐有许多合作的机会,她常常是年轻演员围着聊天的对象,她关心大家,大家也爱开她的玩笑。 令我难忘的一次,是她约满知道公司没续约的那一天,她在Radio gate外面,拉着我的手哭了,说没想到会这样。我很难过,只能轻轻的拥抱她。之后听说她在百货商场做售货员,我和一些旧同事会去捧场跟她买东西,给她加油打气。 《主妇的假期》是多年后我再次与她合作的作品,那时我们有很多谈话的机会,她分享了离开电视台之后的生活,知道她还陆陆续续的回来参加演出,也提起在百货公司当售货员时,被记者偷拍照片时的心情干扰。 后来文永过世,她还特地打电话给我解释脚痛无法为老友送行。 没想到此刻。。 秀云姐,一路走好!大家永远不会忘记您在8、90年代的电视剧,曾立下的汗马功劳,您真的很棒!

A post shared by Xiang Yun’s Official Account (@xiang_yun_) on Aug 9, 2017 at 3:47am PDT

Xiang Yun also shared about how she comforted Wang when she had to leave the TV station. “She held my hand and cried… I was very sad, and could only hug her gently.”

“When I found out she was working at a department store as a salesperson, I went to buy things from her with some colleagues to support her,” the actress added.

Wang left showbiz in 1998 and taught children’s acting classes in her free time while still acting part-time, said 8 Days.

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