Fantastic Pringles Flavours and Where to Find Them

Source: Soranews24

This is a tale as old as time— opening a packet of chips only to find that more that half of the volume is actually air. However, fans of Pringles will know that each can is filled right up to the top.

As if there aren’t enough flavour variations available on our little red dot, here are some unique flavours around the world that you should definitely add to your to-eat list.

Japan: Potato Chip-flavoured Cup Noodles & Pringles Cup Noodles

Source: Pringles Japan

For the most serious of snackers, Pringles have recently teamed up with noodle brand Super Cup to launch four different Pringles-flavoured cup noodles. Yes, potato chip-flavoured cup noodles is now a thing, and you can put your diet plans on hold.

As part of Pringles’ 50th anniversary, look forward to four new flavours and items from Pringles Japan:

  • Jalapeno Onion-flavoured Pringles Instant Noodle

  • Sour Crean and Onion flavoured Pringles Instant Noodle

  • Acecook Ika Yakisoba Aji (Squid) Pringles Chips

  • Acecook Torigara Shoyu Ramen (Chicken Bone Soy Sauce) Pringles Chips

South Korea: Yoghurt & Cola

Source: Korea Daily

Often, washing down the saltiness of potato chips with a soft drink hits the right spot. In South Korea, Pringles have merged the two together to create a yogurt flavoured and cola flavoured version of their chips.

The yogurt version is said to have a “rich flavour of sweet and sour”, reminiscent of the tartness found in the cultured milk. While cola version is brought to life with a special seasoning that will mimic the sparkling, fizzy texture of the soft drink.


Australia: Chicken Kebab

(Source: woolsworths)

For a kick of Mediterranean spices, the Pringles in Australia come in a chicken kebab iteration. It’s sure to provide a smoky, spicy, deep-flavoured chip that will make for the perfect savoury snack time accompaniment.


Taiwan: Salt and Pepper Chicken (鹹酥雞) and Minced Meat with Onion (油蔥肉燥)

We noticed that Airfrov users have been requested for two various flavours of Pringles from Taiwan, so we did some digging. These limited edition flavours are based on classic Taiwan street food— salt and pepper chicken (

鹹酥雞) and minced meat with onion (油蔥肉燥). Come purchase it on Airfrov and remember the delicacy of Taiwan’s street food without the hassle of queueing up in the heat!

Hong Kong: Marble Soda

Feast your eyes on the Ramune (Soda-flavoured Pringles) that’s widely available at Hongkong! Inspired by the original soft drink, it successfully captures the citrus notes and fizzy carbonation of the beverage. An acquired taste that’s worth trying.


Craving for a taste of these unique Pringles? Try putting up a request on Airfrov and have one of our friendly travellers carry it back for you.


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The post Fantastic Pringles Flavours and Where to Find Them appeared first on Airfrov Blog.