Edison Chen's father: Qin Shupei is the real victim!
4 Aug - While his son continues lambasting Lin Chi-ling, and the public continues to criticise him for doing so, Edison Chen's father recently decided to throw himself into the mix by defending his son over the latest scandal.
As reported on China Times, Edison's father, Edward, who accepted interviews from the mainland media, stated that he previously reprimanded his son for using such harsh words against Lin, but had a change of heart when Edison revealed the reason behind his tirade.
"I was very angry. I thought that the whole thing was very unfair to Qin Shupei," he said.
The whole Edison Chen and Lin Chi-ling saga started when the actor was told by girlfriend Qin Shupei – who, in turn, was told by an agent from reality show, "Hey Dress" – that she was thrown out of the show because Lin's camp felt that her relationship with Edison will not be good for the show.
Apparently, gallant boyfriend Edison decided to confront Lin about it, and went on a series of Weibo rants when he received no response from Lin. Although the supposed agent later admitted that it was all his fault, Edison continues to blame it on Lin, saying that the agent was just a scapegoat.
Edison's father also defended his son, saying that although the actor does things that rub people the wrong way, he is actually a genuine and honest man, who would speak up for the people that he loves.
Edward also called for Lin to step up and give a full response herself instead of "pretending to be a wounded lamb".
Meanwhile, son Edison seemed unfazed with Lin's recent decision to sue him, saying "Woooooo that was a close call. Just think about what happened in the past few days and ask yourself, why don't they just sue me?"
He added that he doesn't care and that it's enough for reasonable people to know the truth.
(Photo source: ettoday.net)