Eddie Pang marries girlfriend in low-key wedding

20 Mar – Singer-turned-businessman Eddie Pang recently admitted that he is now a married man.

As reported on Mingpao, the singer, who spoke to the media recently, shared that he has married Ivy, his girlfriend of the same age, who works in the insurance industry.

"We met in 2018 at Barry Yip's wedding. I was part of the groomsmen while she was one of the bridesmaids. We got to know each other more from our many meetings and developed our relationship further," he said.

Eddie was also full of praises for his wife, saying that she is a caring and mature person and got along well with his mother.

Asked whether it was a shotgun marriage, Eddie denied it, though admitted that he would love to give his mother a grandchild as soon as possible.

Prior to his marriage, Eddie was in an on-again-off-again relationship with Queenie Chu for many years before he popped the question in February 2015. However, the two of them ended the engagement in September the same year.

(Photo Source: Mingpao)