Dating Diaries: Emilie Lavinia deletes the apps and takes the plunge with a sexy chef

a woman sitting on a couch
Dating Diaries: Emilie Lavinia deletes the appsJade Collin-Cooper

Welcome to Cosmopolitan UK’s Dating Diaries, where we pull back the curtain on the reality of romance. Sex educators, influencers and celebs invite us into their love lives to witness lust, love, sex, hookups and dating disasters. A lot can happen in a week! This time, Cosmopolitan UK’s very own Sex and Relationships Editor Emilie Lavinia takes us through a big week, as she deletes her dating apps and takes a plunge into uncharted waters.


I’ve done it, I’ve deleted my dating apps. It’s weird that this has become a milestone for us these days. But it signals intention, doesn’t it? I’m in this now. I’ve been seeing someone new, periodically checking back in on my Raya matches and the Bumble profiles that pop up every Monday to ask me how my weekend has been. And what can you tell these people? ‘Yeah, my weekend was sublime, thanks. I spent Friday through Sunday with a tall, dark, handsome chef who rocked my world and made me breakfast afterwards.’ So, I’ve culled the apps and I’m fully focused. It’s terrifying but, equally, I’m fizzing with the raw excitement of new relationship nerves.

Last night, we went on a date to a cocktail bar. I wore a slinky little dress and the dim light and strong drinks made for a pretty heady mix. PDAs aren’t really my jam, but by the end of the night, we were making out as though there was no one else in the room. I know, I know. Eww. But look, this guy is super handsome and really makes me laugh.

This evening, I’m giving a talk and leading a workshop on orgasmic manifestation after work (just a day in the life of a sex editor, what can I say?), so I head straight over to the venue. I check my phone and the chef has texted me to wish me good luck. I smile down at the screen and then think, ‘Oh god, I’m one of those soppy people who smiles at their phone. I’m in deep.’ I’m mildly anxious that this could all fall apart and I’ll be left heartbroken, but life is for living and feelings are for feeling, right?

dating diaries emilie lavinia deletes the apps and takes the plunge with a sexy chef
Jade Cooper-Collins


‘Miss polyamory has a boyfriend? Well, fuck me sideways.’ ‘I don’t know if he’s my boyfriend,’ I say. I’m sitting across the table from one of my oldest friends and she’s loving the debrief. We’re organising the growing stack of sex toy samples in my living room, splitting them into separate piles for reviewing, gifting and keeping. She’s made a little pile for herself with some absolutely wild products in it.

‘Listen,’ she says, waving a bright blue butt plug at me, ‘you deserve happiness. Don’t be frightened, just lean in. Not everyone is a dickhead.’ She’s right. After years of single life, sex parties and situationships, I’ve certainly had my fair share of disappointments. I’ve also enjoyed incredible experiences, fulfilling friendships and a lot of fun, but nothing that’s really seemed like it could be worth committing to or sticking a label on. And, personally, I’ve always found labels a little limiting. Maybe that’s an anxious attachment style talking, or maybe my standards are too high, but this guy, he seems to be meeting them…


We have a date planned for this evening and I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve had a fresh blowdry and, once I’m done with work, my big hair and I step out into Soho. I’ve booked the restaurant and the pressure of selecting a venue for a food expert doesn’t surpass me. I’m hoping he approves of my choice.

Dinner is a success and though we’d planned to go for some drinks after the meal, we decide to pick up a bottle of wine and head back to my place instead. We’re cuddled up on the sofa – with my dog who has frankly no regard for personal space – and our glasses clink together as I look down at my phone and realise it’s 1am already.

‘Time just dissolves when I’m with you. And I don’t hate it,’ he says, leaning in to kiss me. I have butterflies in my stomach as he stands up and leads me into the bedroom. He undresses me very slowly, looking into my eyes as he does it, stopping to kiss me and hold my face in his hands, telling me just how beautiful I look. This is very intense stuff and I’m here for it.

dating diaries emilie lavinia deletes the apps and takes the plunge with a sexy chef
Jade Cooper-Collins


We’re lying in bed, cuddling and drinking coffee and looking at my bookshelves across the room. He’s asking me about my favourite novels, which obviously I’m loving because I could happily talk about books for hours. I’m telling him about one of my favourite passages from The Bell Jar – the bit where Esther imagines the fig tree spreading out and all the possibilities of her life withering and falling from the tree because she can’t decide which route to take.

‘I feel like that sometimes,’ I tell him. ‘Like if I don’t chase the good things, they’ll just pass me by. But I don’t know which decisions are good ones and which are bad ones.’

‘Do you feel like I’m a good choice?’ he asks, sitting up a little.

‘I think so,’ I say. And snuggle up closer, sipping my coffee. I change the subject and we start discussing various literary fuckbois and romance fantasies.

‘Have you got a bit of a Lady Chatterley thing going on? Y’know, with my Geordie accent?’ he says, smiling cheekily. ‘Yeah, a bit,’ I laugh. ‘I’m weak for a northern boy who can chop a log. I’d pick a Mellors over a Mr Rochester any day.’

‘What about a Mr Darcy?’

‘Fuck Mr Darcy.’

He seems to take that as his cue to start kissing down my body, so I kick off the covers and relax back into the pillows. Life feels pretty good in this moment. I’ve always lived by that quote from the American filmmaker John Waters, ‘If you go home with somebody and they don’t have books, don’t fuck them,’ and honestly, it seems to have worked pretty well for me so far.


So I guess he is my boyfriend. We’ve had a cute day of walking in the park followed by him cooking the most gorgeous three-course meal. Yes, I could really get used to this. Our plan this evening is to head to a rooftop bar with beautiful views of London, but before we go, he makes it official. Obviously, because I’m an idiot, my response is a long pause, a pained expression and then the words, ‘I accept.’ Why am I like this? And when I think about the experience later, I’m mad at myself that I didn’t reply with the obvious, ‘Yes, chef!’ Still, I think we’re both very happy with the outcome. And the dating apps? They can stay deleted.

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