This cyclist singing “you’re in the bike lane” to the “Star Wars” theme is a hero

This cyclist singing “you’re in the bike lane” to the “Star Wars” theme is a hero
This cyclist singing “you’re in the bike lane” to the “Star Wars” theme is a hero

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. They also have a varying vocal ability. Luckily, this cyclist who sang the Star Wars theme has a pretty solid set of pipes on him. Why was he singing? Well, he wanted to alert the pedestrians that they were in the way, and might get injured. Makes sense.

The video took place on New Year’s Day, when a lot of people were using the Brooklyn Bridge. And not to stereotype, but as it was New Year’s Day, we’re guessing that most people weren’t — uh — the most alert. Not well rested and still over-boozed from the night before, the bike lane suggestion was likely appreciated.

And even if it wasn’t? Well, it’s still funny.

Dubbed the “bike lane hero” by Edwin on YouTube, who presumably was there when it all went down, we’re not sure if the gentleman in question even realizes that his tune has gone viral. Currently, the video is close to grabbing one million views.

We love the fact that this guy obviously has a song in his heart. Plus, the bike bell is a good addition.

Let this hero serve as a solid reminder to follow the rules, and never walk in the bike lane on purpose. Not just for your safety, but the safety of those around you.