13 Times Parents Got It So Right, They Went Viral And The World Applauded

Whenever parents go viral online, it feels like a much bigger feat to me 🙃 — but maybe that's just 'cause I'm old. Here are 13 times parents completely blew us away with their applaudable actions:

1. Mom Chloe Sexton who shared how her husband gets "daddy privilege" for doing the exact same tasks she does.

"I'm strapped up with a baby or seven months pregnant, hauling 100-pound bags at a time of flour in the back of my Subaru. Meanwhile, I'm getting a whole lotta...NOTHING TO SEE HERE. Just a woman doing woman things, busting her ass. But my husband, my husband wears the baby and he goes to Restaurant Depot for mommy's business and it's, 'Oh my god, look at you! Oh my god, you work so hard.' He [my husband] said, 'Honestly, it was a little bit embarrassing.' Somebody walked past him and said, 'Oh my god, that's a whole-ass baby!' Yeah, it's his... He's literally not a hero. He's just a father, just a parent, doing the same shit I do every week," she shared in her viral TikTok.

2.Back in 2015, an Ohio dad got a standing ovation from parents around the world after he wrote a check to his son's school using Common Core math because he was so frustrated with it.

Twitter: @JoanOfArc1920

3.And, also back in 2015, mom Jennifer Smith took a stand against a sixth-grade pool party after her son brought home a permission slip that required all girls to cover their swimsuits with a non-white T-shirt:

Jennifer returned the unsigned permission slip to the school with the message,

4. When dad J.R. Minton shocked the world by saying he doesn't help his wife cook, clean, do the laundry, or care for their kids...because if he helped, they would be her responsibility and not his. Instead, he simply does them.

In his viral video, he says, "I don't help my wife cook, I don't help my wife take care of the kids, clean, laundry — none of that. Because I do what I am supposed to do as a father and a husband. I cook. I clean. I do the laundry. I take care of the kids. I can't HELP my wife do those things because they are my job, too. Change the way you speak, change the way you think, and grow the fuck up and be a man."

5.The time mom Maria was open and honest about sharing her postpartum body.

6.And when mom Allison Kimmey shared her before-and-after body photos, telling the world that happiness isn't a number on a scale.

7.When mom Nicole Hennessy went viral for being supportive of her teenage daughter's pregnancy by explaining all three options to her and letting her make an informed decision.

Woman with surprised expression possibly reacting to a positive pregnancy test
Woman with surprised expression possibly reacting to a positive pregnancy test
Woman expressing emotion, text overlay implying comfort, in a personal indoor setting
Woman expressing emotion, text overlay implying comfort, in a personal indoor setting
Woman looks surprised as she talks, standing in a kitchen with text overlay about choices. TikTok interface visible
Woman looks surprised as she talks, standing in a kitchen with text overlay about choices. TikTok interface visible

@nicolehennessy2 / tiktok.com

BuzzFeed spoke to Nicole, who is referring to her 17-year-old daughter, Angelina, in her video. "The moment I saw the pregnancy test wrapper, I knew it was my daughter's. My immediate reaction was, 'Angelina needs me, so don’t react!' I said, 'Do you need a hug?' And I hugged her tight and told her I would help her figure this out," explained Nicole.

8.The time mom Payal Desai made a TikTok series sharing the things she's teaching her sons so their future partners won't have to, like how to navigate the grocery store.

Man folding laundry with child, woman on floor with papers, text: teaching son to share chores

9.And dad Eric Taylor who went viral for teaching his daughters to avoid mediocre men through his own good example — and to never accept the bare minimum from them.

Two side-by-side photos of a man standing outdoors with text about valuing his daughter's voice

10.Dad Michael spoke out about the over-sexualization of young girls to spread awareness after witnessing it firsthand with his daughter.

Man in blue shirt gesturing, with text discussing size and style differences in children's clothing

11.Jessica McCabe is a Gen X mom who was praised for being real about her frustrations when it comes to how she raised her kids, thinking it would set them up for success — but society has made it nearly impossible.

Woman looks surprised in a car, with a text bubble saying "Where did the American dream go?" TikTok interface visible

12.Mom Emily Haswell who shared important things she never thought about before having a baby (like you are having a baby with a dude, you will have to hear your mom call him "daddy" lol.)

Woman sharing her thoughts on unexpected aspects of parenting

13.And, just for fun, because I know you probably forgot about this: When mom Candace Payne couldn't stop laughing after trying on a Chewbacca mask. ICONIC!

In 2016, over 100 million people watched her Facebook Live video where she laughs hysterically while wearing a Chewbacca mask.