Carrie Underwood Flashed Her Mega-Toned Legs In Cutoffs In These IG Pics

Carrie Underwood Flashed Her Mega-Toned Legs In Cutoffs In These IG Pics
  • Carrie Underwood just showed off her super-toned legs in jean cutoffs in new Instagram photos from her tour.

  • The singer likes to take her workouts on the road with her mobile gym.

  • She's also been working with a trainer for over a decade, and the two do a lot of strength training together.

Carrie Underwood is showing up for a slew of new concerts across the country, and she’s bringing her A-game for every single performance. Case in point: The 40-year-old just dropped a batch of photos on Instagram of herself from a show in Oklahoma, and it’s hard to miss the fact that her legs are mega-toned right now.

First, there’s Carrie in a pair of cutoffs and cowgirl boots with impressively toned quads, Carrie playing guitar with her sculpted legs on full display, and a shot of Carrie from behind as she waves to the crowd with her legs doing their thing.

“Last night was fun!” she wrote in the caption. “I always know it’s going to be a great night whenever we play in Oklahoma!!! Thanks, #Durant and the #GrandTheater @choctawcasinos for giving me an amazing excuse to go home! 🥰❤️☺️.”

People cheered her on in the comments—and couldn’t stop talking about her legs. “My next life I want to have your legs ❤️❤️❤️,” one person wrote. “Sexiest legs ever! Not debatable 😉👍💪🔥🔥🔥,” another said.

Carrie is all about the legs moments lately. There was this look:

And this one:

Aaand this one:

Wondering how Carrie gets so toned all over? You’re in luck—Women's Health has got the scoop on this star's workout regimen.

The first thing to know is that this Grammy Award winner has worked with trainer Eve Overland for years, and Overland told E! that Carrie is all in when it comes to her fitness.

Carrie “is the most dedicated, consistent human being," Overland said, adding, "she puts in 100% of her entire being into everything she does, in or out of the gym. She's very focused, motivated and she's always in a good mood."

Overland said that the two have always honed in on strength training, but they’ve evolved their workouts over the 13 years they’ve worked together. "She's at that point where she's so completely sculpted and conditioned, so now I'm working on the detail,” Overland said.

The two do 90-minute workouts together, which include compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, rows, and presses. “They work and they give you the most bang for your buck, no matter what age you are,” Overland said.

Carrie has been open about her love of fitness. “My self-care is my gym time, and that’s a stress reliever for me,” she told Women’s Health in 2020. BTW, she literally has her own fitness app called Fit52, where she shares her fave moves and workout inspo.

It's not just lifting weights that keeps her so strong, though. The star just shared on Instagram that she digs a good stretch after a hard workout. “Taking time to cool down after a workout is a great way to restore, recharge, and prevent injury,” she wrote in the caption. “Stretching is also a perfect way to practice a little self care. 🙏”

When she’s on the road, Carrie uses a mobile gym that helps her tap into all kinds of workouts—it includes a leg press machine, TRX bands, stability ball, cables, elliptical, treadmill, and mini bands. Here’s a sneak peek:

Oh, and Carrie has also been a runner for years. She told WH that she creates challenges for herself when she uses the treadmill. “I have to set goals for myself: ‘Every 15 minutes I’m going to hit 1.25 miles,' then by the end of an hour I’ll have run 5 miles, ” she said.

On the food front, Carrie is a vegetarian and she told WH that she likes following rules around nutrition. That means aiming to have 45 percent carbs, 30 percent fat, and 25 percent protein in her diet.

For breakfast, she might have a tofu or egg-white scramble with Ezekiel toast, berries, and coffee, followed by a lunch of Tofurky tomato, avocado, red onion, spinach, and mustard. A snack could be a green smoothie or protein bar, with roasted veggies and a piece of vegan chicken, or a tofu stir-fry for dinner.

Get it, Carrie!

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