In Canada, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Remind the World of Their Impact

Ever since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped back from their roles as senior working royals in 2020, drama and public discourse surrounding the couple have ebbed and flowed, from their sit-down interview with Oprah, to Harry’s memoir, Spare, to their attendance at King Charles’s coronation. But over the three days they spent this past week in British Columbia, the world was reminded of the power the couple has for bringing attention to causes that matter to them.

And there’s no cause that’s nearer and dearer to Prince Harry’s heart than the Invictus Games. “These last few days have been very, very special,” he said at the visit’s penultimate event, which was held at a local community center. “Every single one of you inspire me, and you inspire us, every single day.”

prince harry and meghan, duchess of sussex attend the invictus games one year to go launch on 15th february 2024 in whistler, canada
The Duke and Duchess at Whistler Sliding Centre on day two of their three-day trip.Karwai Tang

Throughout their packed itinerary in Whistler, Squamish, and Vancouver, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex spent time meeting with the wounded and injured veterans who were learning winter adaptive sports ahead of next year’s Invictus Games, as well as with members of local First Nations communities. Wherever they went, it was typically Prince Harry who deviated from the meticulously planned timetable. When they were scheduled to spend 15 minutes on Whistler-Blackcomb mountain meeting with the athletes, they took 45, because Harry had to speak with everyone (and try out sit skiing). One skeleton run at Whistler Sliding Centre quickly turned into multiple, because the Duke of Sussex just had to go again.

As Mike Bourgeois, an Invictus Games alumni who spent time with them on this trip told T&C, “You’ve got a timetable, and we’re in that timetable, standing by ready to go and leap into action. And the first veteran that Harry is able to catch their eyes—the schedule is just out the window. He’s devoted to getting down on his knees and looking an athlete in the eyes and asking about how their experience is,” he says.

Bourgeois, who competed with Team Canada at the Invictus Games at the Hague, was back—along with his wife, Lori—to serve as an ambassador for the Games at the One Year to Go events this week. “We’re nobody,” he says with a self-deprecating smile, “just one of a thousand people that work to support the foundation and the Invictus Games. But the Duke remembers us. If you’ve met [Prince Harry], and you’ve interacted and you’ve talked about your experience as a veteran, he remembers—a year or two years later, you just pick up the conversation, which is pretty astonishing.”

He continues, “Yes, they’re briefed on a daily basis about who they interact with. But the nuances in the conversation, you can’t fake that. The best way I can describe what the impact is of their involvement is: You feel like you’re seen and heard. You’re not lost in the woods, you're not insignificant.”

invictus games vancouver whistlers 2025's one year to go winter training camp
Bourgeois stands with Meghan as she borrows his phone to snap a photo of Harry. Lori stands at right (in a matching Invictus Games beanie).Karwai Tang - Getty Images

Harry and Meghan’s ability to keep their attention focused on the cause was all the more notable given recent criticism of the couple. After a story published in the Telegraph this week suggested that the Sussexes had “three days to prove they can behave,” their spokesperson issued a statement to the Mirror: “We’ve heard time and time again that certain opportunities are make or break for the couple. They’re still here. They’re still working and pursuing what they believe in, despite constantly being challenged and criticized. This couple will not be broken.” And in an interview with Good Morning America, Prince Harry did not dwell on any family conflict. He spoke briefly about his father, King Charles, saying, “Look, I love my family. The fact that I was able to get on a plane and go and see him and spend any time with him, I’m grateful for that.”

The Sussexes' dedication to their work was evident throughout their time in Canada this week, and Prince Harry was clearly in his element amongst fellow veterans. “We are talking about the royals, there’s a lot of protocol involved,” Bourgeois says. “But when you get into fellow veteran environments, it's like: We’re his people and he’s our people. A little bit of the armor can be shed when you're together because it’s a safe space.”

For Major Joanna Labonté, who competed in the Invictus Games in Düsseldorf with Team Canada last year, the support that Meghan and Harry bring to the wounded and injured veteran community is powerful. “Considering my injury, for a long time, I felt very powerless and invisible,” she told T&C. “I feel like they’re shining a light on us—the military members who have struggled, who have felt a lot of uncertainty in our future. And they're saying ‘Your journey is just beginning, it’s not over. Yes, you’re releasing from the military, but you’re just beginning this brand new phase of your life. And you matter.’”

Labonté continues, “We really genuinely feel like we matter to that lovely couple. Healing through sport is something significant—I've seen it in myself, in my teammates. It's the real deal.”

Every Invictus Games participant that T&C spoke with this week said a version of the same thing: The games have changed their life, for the better, and Prince Harry and Meghan are a notable part of that. “The Invictus Games have gone a long way helping my recovery—they have helped me mentally, physically and emotionally,” Peacemaker Azuegbulam, a competitor from Nigeria, says. “Before, I was worried [about] how to cope with my life with the new condition that I’m [in].” (Azuegbulam lost his left leg when his army unit came under fire.) But when he got to the Invictus Games, he says, “It makes me feel good. It makes me feel loved.” Prince Harry later spoke about Azuegbulam, calling him, “quite remarkable.”

a group of people standing together
Chief Sparrow is second from left, at the Hillcrest Community Centre.Jeremy Allen

This week, too, wasn’t just about the Invictus Games community, but about the First Nations that the 2025 Games are partnered with. At a wheelchair curling event of the week, Chief Wayne Sparrow of the Musqueam First Nation and Wilson Williams of Squamish Nation gave a traditional welcome, and land acknowledgement (a message acknowledging original Indigenous inhabitants of the land who have often been displaced). When Harry spoke, he shared, “Thank you to the four First Nations for allowing us to be on your territory.” He and Meghan also spent time with First Nations communities this week, at the Squamish Líl̓wat cultural center, and Mount Currie Community Centre.

“When we met the Duke, he said, ‘I want to learn more about reconciliation,’” Chief Sparrow tells T&C. “That meant a lot to me: The very first time I met him, for him to [say] he wants to learn and then [ask] how we can move forward together—that is something that I brought back to my community. That’s all part of the reconciliation and the wrongdoings of what happened. We can’t dwell on the past. We have to move forward, as a society.”

invictus games vancouver whistlers 2025's one year to go winter training camp
Meghan and Harry take a photo with an athlete.Andrew Chin - Getty Images

After the final event concluded at Hillcrest Community Centre, Prince Harry came up to the small group of reporters, including myself, that had been at every event of the week. He thanked us, joked about the cold, and despite his antipathy towards the press in the past, it was clear there was genuine appreciation for the media attention on the Invictus Games.

In that moment, it was hard not to think of Princess Diana. Harry’s warmth, and his ability to make those around him feel seen, is directly reminiscent of his mother—as is his ability to use his spotlight to highlight the causes that matter most to him. In just 72 hours, the impact of Harry and Meghan became clear.

This year marks the 10 year anniversary of the Invictus Games, and next year’s event will be its seventh edition. In Prince Harry’s remarks closing the week, he spoke directly to the Invictus competitors, saying, “I know how much you love to serve. In many instances, you live to serve.” He finished with a promise, outlining the duty both he and Meghan feel to the community. “We will continue to serve,” he said, “and to inspire people up, down, around the country and around the world.”

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