Cai Xukun aka KUN breaks silence on abortion scandal

5 Jul – After nearly a week of silence, Cai Xukun aka KUN finally addressed the allegations that he forced a former partner to abort their child.

As reported on Mingpao, in a statement released on 3 July, KUN admitted to be dating "Ms. C", as the woman was called in previous reports, and that the relationship had gone on for two years before they ended things in 2021.

"What needs to be clarified to everyone and the media here is that the relationship between Ms. C and I was voluntary. There is neither "the woman is underage" nor the so-called "forced abortion". It did not involve illegal activities. I implore the relevant self-media not to spread rumours or believe rumours," he stated.

"This lesson was painful for me. During these two years, I was also blaming myself and regretting it. I apologise again to the fans who have always supported and trusted me, and to the media friends who have been following my development and growth. In the future, I will strictly restrain my words and deeds and accept the supervision of the public and society. Please also respect and protect the personal privacy of the parties, especially Ms. C."

It is noted that prior to his statement, the singer has already experienced a "semi-ban", with his works being removed from various platforms including the national broadcaster CCTV's app.

KUN: It's been a painful lesson but the relationship did not involve illegal activities
KUN: It's been a painful lesson but the relationship did not involve illegal activities

(Photo Source: KUN IG)