Tay Ping Hui in online spat with Twitter user
Actor Tay Ping Hui is embroiled in a petty online tiff with a Twitter user.
On 23 December, the star who is also a young PAP member, posted a tweet on his account, calling for SMRT to implement a "Free Transport Day" to make up for the massive train breakdowns.
A user, who goes by the Twitter username of smrtsg responded to his tweet, with a snide "@taypinghui is a cheapskate".
He also described Tay's attempt to make his 'Free Transport Day' idea viral as "pathetic" and said to the actor, "What we do know is you don't take the train."
Tay then replied in a series of harsh-sounding tweets.
He questioned "the authenticity" of the the twitter user, and described the user's "attempt at humour" pathetic.
SMRT's official Twitter account is SMRT_Singapore.
He continued with "I should just let you embarrass yourself, but I feel obliged to open your tiny mind. One does not need to be in war to know its atrocities."
"And since I'm in a giving mood, this is my feedback to you: you need to get a life and stop pretending to be something you are obviously not."
Meanwhile, netizens seem amused by the exchange.
Said ZC Hoong, 31, an engineer, "Tay Ping Hui's original post had good intentions but I think that as a public figure, he should act more professionally and react in a more polite manner.
"He shouldn't be rude, just because the other Twitter user is."