Bedtime Snacks That Will Not Spike Blood Sugar

bowl of popcorn viewed from above
Bedtime Snacks That Will Not Spike Blood SugarTetra Images - Getty Images

Snacks are delicious. They help hold you over between meals and give you extra energy to get you through the day, but what happens when you finish dinner and still need a little something something before bed? Whether you're on the hunt for a treat that will help you sleep or a healthy late-night goodie for those trying to lose weight, there are refreshments on this list based on your dietary and lifestyle needs.

Scroll on and you'll see that there are common things to consider when choosing a snack before bedtime. These options also won't spike your blood sugar making them solid go-tos before catching some rest. "It is always preferable to have at least an hour's gap before bed," certified nutritional therapist and health coach at Vee Vital Vanessa O'Brien tells Redbook. "Choose foods that are low on the Glycemic index and keep portions small so that the digestive system does not have to work overtime whilst you sleep."

Avocado with Cottage Cheese

First up is avocado with cottage cheese. O'Brien confirms that this combination provides a nice balance of fat and protein proving it's an excellent before-bed choice.

protein bread garnished with sliced avocado, cress and chili powder
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According to Women’s Health, you should always have almonds on hand. Not only do almonds (and almond butter) contain fat, fiber, and protein that can help stabilize blood sugar levels, but they also have magnesium and tryptophan, which help to naturally lower the stress hormone and cortisol. That said, lower cortisol levels allow you to drift off to sleep faster.

almonds in a glass jar
Kentaroo Tryman - Getty Images

Cherry Tomatoes and Mozzarella Cheese

"Cherry tomatoes have low amounts of carbohydrates, plus [they] provide minerals and vitamins," adds O’Brien.

Slices of mozzarella also bring in protein preventing blood sugar spikes and crashes while you sleep.

healthy caprese salad
Maria Shumova - Getty Images

Chia Pudding

Chia pudding is a fabulous way to get extra protein and healthy omega-three fats. "You can sweeten it with some vanilla essence and a small amount of berries for taste," O'Brien shares.

chia pudding with berries
Juj Winn - Getty Images

Cottage Cheese and Carrot Sticks

Cottage cheese is high in protein, while carrot sticks have fiber and extra nutrients without spiking blood glucose.

tvorog, cottage cheese or curd cheese
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Eggs are filled with B6, melatonin, and tryptophan as well as blood-sugar balancing protein, Women’s Health reports. Combined, they all work together to support a healthy snooze.

fresh farm eggs
Török-Bognár Renáta - Getty Images

Greek Yogurt with Berries

Greek yogurt is a yummy, protein-filled bedtime snack and fresh berries can add the sweetness you crave. "Berries are one of the lowest Glycemic Index fruits (meaning they will not spike your blood sugar high)," according to O'Brien.

two glasses of greek yogurt with frozen berries
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Hummus with Vegetable Sticks

Hummus is a tasty source of protein and fiber and pairs well with all kinds of vegetables such as carrot sticks, cucumber slices, celery, and more.

overhead view of a bowl of hummus with cherry tomatoes, carrot and cucumber batons
OatmealStories - Getty Images


If you love breakfast, oatmeal is the way to go. It'll certainly keep your blood sugar in check and the oats are rich in calcium and magnesium which promote quality sleep.

oatmeal porridge banana blueberry
Arx0nt - Getty Images

Whole Wheat Toast with Peanut Butter

Do you have a loaf of whole wheat bread lying around the kitchen? Add healthy fats like avocado, hummus, or peanut butter to it. In fact, peanut butter has high serotonin levels, a hormone known to help people relax and fall asleep.

overhead view of peanut butter and banana toast
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