Ah Chan Kopitiam: Discover the unusual combination of pan mee & yellow rice wine

I believe yellow wine chicken is a dish from our childhood that many of us fondly recall our grandmothers and mothers preparing at home. However, it’s quite uncommon to find this dish served outside (I’m not sure why). So, when I discovered Ah Chan Kopitiam, I was intrigued. The eatery offers a unique twist by combining yellow wine chicken with pan mee, a combination I found both rare and innovative.

Ah Chan Kopitiam - Store front
Ah Chan Kopitiam - Store front

Finding this establishment wasn’t too challenging; it was a mere 5-minute walk from Taman Midah MRT station. The storefront emanated a warm and inviting atmosphere, enticing me to step inside.

Ah Chan Kopitiam - Seats
Ah Chan Kopitiam - Seats

As I arrived, I noticed several office workers enjoying their lunch. Upon researching online about this eatery, I learnt that this is a popular choice among office workers for their midday meals.

What I tried at Ah Chan Kopitiam

Ah Chan Kopitiam - Drunken Ginger Panmee
Ah Chan Kopitiam - Drunken Ginger Panmee

Intrigued by the buzz surrounding the Drunken Ginger Panmee (RM18.90) here, I wasted no time in placing my order. In 10 minutes, the dish arrived at my table.

The bowl showcased a fried egg perched on top, adorned with a sprinkle of vibrant spring onions. Beneath this layer, nestled the noodles and succulent chicken. As I leaned closer to the bowl, the enticing aroma of  rice wine from the soup teased my senses, whetting my appetite even further.

Ah Chan Kopitiam - Soup
Ah Chan Kopitiam - Soup

As customary, I began with the soup before indulging in the noodles. Having read glowing reviews of this dish online, I had expected a bold wine flavour in the soup. Yet, to my surprise, the soup didn’t possess the pronounced wine taste I had anticipated, which is typically the defining characteristic of a delicious yellow wine chicken dish.

The mild essence of rice wine failed to impart the distinctive depth of flavour I had hoped for in the broth, leaving me somewhat disappointed.

Ah Chan Kopitiam - Noodles
Ah Chan Kopitiam - Noodles

After trying the soup, I wasted no time diving into the noodles. There were 3 options available for the types of noodles: thick, thin, and hand-torn. I opted for the thick pan mee. To be honest, I doubted my chopstick skills throughout the meal. The noodles were incredibly slippery, making it challenging to grasp them.

Aside from their smooth and slippery texture, the noodles were cooked just right. While they didn’t quite reach the al dente perfection I prefer, they were still enjoyable. Moreover, they absorbed the aroma of the soup, adding an extra layer of flavour to each bite.

Ah Chan Kopitiam - Chicken
Ah Chan Kopitiam - Chicken

Final thoughts

Overall, my dining experience there was average. The price seemed a bit steep for  pan mee, but considering the quality of ingredients and portion size, I get why they priced it as such. Apart from the Drunken Ginger Panmee, the eatery also offers a variety of unique pan mee dishes, including Curry Pork Rib Panmee (RM16.90), Hokkien Panmee (RM12), and Char Siew Panmee (RM13.90).

If I happen to be in the area again, I’d consider revisiting and exploring the other pan mee varieties they offer.

Expected damage: RM12 – RM20 per pax

The post Ah Chan Kopitiam: Discover the unusual combination of pan mee & yellow rice wine appeared first on SETHLUI.com.