I'm 100% Convinced That It's Actually Physically, Mentally, And Emotionally Impossible Not To Laugh At These Incredibly Awkward Moments

1.The straw convo:

Screenshot of a tweet

2.The meow convo:

person who is meowing on Zoom and doesn't realize their mic is on

3.The dumpster convo:

tweet of someone saying "who's my litttle pee pee boy" to a cat while on Zoom

4.The muffin convo:

Screenshot of a tweet

5.The bread convo:

reddit comment reading i once saw a guy shake his dates hand when she reached over to grab some bread

6.The taste convo:

person asking "how does everybody taste" by mistake
rikariko12 / TikTok

7.The wandering convo:

Date where someone asks what was their worst first date and the other person says "probably this one"

8.The baby convo:

person on Zoom thinks someone is talking to their dog but they are talking to a child

9.The investor convo:

someone who doesn't realize their mic is on and calls someone else a nerd

10.The chicken convo:

person thinks they are taking a free sample but are just taking someone's meal

11.The medium meal convo:

person saying meep meep" instead of "medium meal"
palayeiscool / TikTok

12.The old friend convo:

person who yelled "hello old friend" to what they thought was an empty restroom

13.The lizard convo:

Someone says hi to a lizard in the shower but someone in the neighboring shower answers

14.The family-life convo:

Sixth-grader told their teacher their parents never had sex because it's against their religion, and teacher tried to explain the "celibacy UNTIL marriage" concept, and student kept saying "No, they're good people, they don't do that"

15.The waiter convo:

tweet reading, "A water once told me a nice wine 'pairs' well with a certain food. I took a sip and said to the waiter, 'Wow you can really taste the pears.' My date literally facepalmed"

16.The gas convo:

date where someone farts and gets ghosted

17.The court convo:

person calling a judge "your majesty"
vidawggg / TikTok

18.The onions convo:

Screenshot of a tweet

19.The plane convo:

Screenshot of a tweet

20.The Transportation Security Administration convo:

Tweet: "I was at the airport and the TSA agent said 'scan your license face down,' so i put my face on the scanner and waited"

21.The soup convo:

Tweet: "One time i went to hand someone a bowl of hot soup and my brain tried to say 'careful it's hot' and 'here's your soup' so instead i blurted out 'careful, it's soup'"

22.The infant convo:

Screenshot of a tweet

23.The haircut convo:

Screenshot of a tweet

24.The psychiatrist convo:

Tweet of a person replying "peepee poo poo" to what they think is an automated text but is actually from a behavioral health doctor

25.The crème convo:

Tweet reading "my bf told me when he was 17 he worked in a posh hotel and at breakfast some bloke asked him 'is this crème fraîche?' and he replied 'yeah we don’t serve out of date food' and I can’t stop thinking about it"

26.The organ donor convo:

Screenshot of a tweet

27.The deer convo:

person who ran into a deer walking while texting

28.The headphones convo:

Substitute teacher accused student of wearing wireless headphones and told him to hand them over, then she asked him a question and he didn't respond; she asked why, and he said he can't understand her 'cause she took his hearing aids

29.The bowling convo:

Screenshot of a tweet

30.The scale convo:

person using an animal scale by mistake
rebeccalynndezarn / TikTok

31.The guitar convo:

Tweet about someone recalling how they unknowingly played guitar loudly on their patio while a neighbor was grieving a loved one

32.The bird convo:

Person says in first grade they wanted to grow up to be a bird, and one day their neck and arms were covered in red bumps,  so they cried to their teacher that they weren't ready to become a bird, but it turned out they were just allergic to yogurt

33.The sanitizer convo:

story of someone squirting hand sanitizer and saying "you're squirting over your pretty feet"

34.The CVS convo:

awkward interaction at the CVS photo booth

35.The door convo:

person saying "you're a problem" instead of "not a problem"
theeallie / TikTok

36.The classroom convo:

awkward moment of someone who is accidentally in gender studies class instead of math

37.The cashier convo:

person saying "have grass" instead of "have a great day"
jamieprivaloff / TikTok

38.The scrumptious convo:

awkward convo of someone who thinks they are talking to their cat

39.The good samaritan convo:

Screenshot of a tweet

40.The pregnancy convo:

person saying in class that the only way to not get pregnant is anal

41.The pleasure convo:

person saying "I pleasure myself" instead of "the pleasure was all mine"
dmbrooks / TikTok

42.The "be right back" convo:

person saying, "I won't be back" instead of "I'll be right back"
bridgetnjw / TikTok

43.The dressing room convo:

person who accidentally tries on someone else's coat at tj maxx

44.The trash convo:

tumblr post about someone mistaking their friend for a trash can

45.The cafe convo:

tweet about a guy who has to fart and thinks it's silent but its because hes listening to music on his ipod

46.The Febreze convo:

tumblr post about someone spraying febreze into a fan and it immediately making them sick

47.The running convo:

tweet about someone running with some kids because they got scared but the kids were just running to the bus

48.The sneeze convo:

tweet story about someone faking a sneeze because they accidentally said bless you through their wall

49.The grandma convo:

Tweet reading "When i was 12, i was signing a birthday card for my grandma and i wrote 'You're a great grandma' and she lost her shit because she thought i was telling her i was pregnant"

50.The other gas convo:

Tweet about someone passing gas very loudly and a boyfriend taking the fall, and that's how they knew he loved them

51.The customer convo:

Tweet: "Meant to say 'hold on for a second' and 'give me a minute' to a customer and it came out as 'hold me for a second'; what a Monday"

52.The stomach convo:

person saying "mmm" instead of asking how food is
geepeachy / TikTok

53.The phone bill convo:

Tweet showing a text conversation with a Verizon worker who thinks they are being flirted with after asking for the customer's PIN and being told "CUTE"

54.The library convo:

Tweet about someone asking to add them on Facebook and then rejecting the request

55.The lab convo:

Tweet reading "my lab partner said 'hi i'm christian' and i said 'hi i'm muslim'; christian is his name"

56.The Poland convo:

After waving in response to someone who was waving at another woman, person pretended to be hailing a taxi, which drove them to the airport, and now they're in Poland starting a new life

57.The dentist convo:

Tweet: "Screaming, just hugged my dentist thinking he was going in for one but really he was just taking off my dental bib; don't think i can ever recover from this"

58.The fist bump convo:

Tweet: "a cute guy i worked with wanted to give me a fist bump; i thought he was pretending to hold an invisible microphone so i leaned forward and said hello"

59.The hamster convo:

Tweet: "i saw a girl carrying a hamster so i asked if i could pet it but it was actually a muffin"

60.The Subway convo:

Tweet: "i once walked into Subway, asked for a 'mootball feetlong,' said shit, then walked out; I can never go back"

61.The number convo:

Tweet: "Dude asked for my number while I was cashing out and I said I'm not interested, and the guy says 'I meant for the rewards program'"

62.The other library convo:

Text: "I had to go to the library to pay a fee and I was practicing in the car between 'I have to pay a fine' and 'I have to pay a fee' and I walked in and firmly stated 'I have to pee'"

63.The cone convo:

Tumblr post: "I MEANT to say 'oh crap, I left my phone in my car,' but what I ACTUALLY said was “Ah, my fart cone"

64.The red wine convo:

Tweet: "When my sister in-law was a waitress in Canada, she was taking drink orders from a group of Americans who each ordered a glass of red wine; she suggested they choose a LITRE instead, so one man raised his hand and said 'I’ll be the leader'”

65.And the driving convo:

Tumblr post: "My friend was driving and we were almost past our turnoff so i tried to say 'quick' and 'fast' at the same time and ended up screaming 'quack'"

Sometimes, my friends, you just gotta quack.
