5 things making your bathroom dirty

things making your bathroom harder to clean
5 tips for easy bathroom cleaningsl-f - Getty Images

Hands up if you love cleaning the bathroom? That'll be no one! We admit, this is probably not our favourite chore, but as one of the germiest areas of the house, it's a room that requires special attention when you're doing the big clean.

Ticking the bathroom off your list shouldn't take hours. If it is, there may be one or two tricky areas that are keeping you from getting the job done quickly. Here's how to tackle them...

Things making your bathroom harder to clean

1. Mould and mildew

It can be hard to keep your bathroom properly ventilated, and this lack of air flow can lead to the build-up of nasty mould and mildew on your shower curtains, walls, sealant and grout.

If you find mould or mildew on your nylon shower curtains, put them in the washing machine (if the care label allows). Otherwise, clean in a bath of warm water and a cup of biological detergent. Soak heavily stained curtains in a weak solution of bleach to remove mould stains.

Scrub discoloured grout with an old toothbrush dipped in a solution of one part bleach to four parts water. Then use mould spray on any remaining mould in the bathroom. We like HG Mould Spray.

Get into the habit of using a squeegee to dry off the shower screen after use. The OXO Good Grips Mini Squeegee is great for this. It may seem like a pain, but it's nothing like the chore of removing limescale deposits further down the line!

The best preventative advice, though, is to open the window or use an extractor fan (well worth installing next time you do a bathroom refit if you don’t have one).

things making your bathroom harder to clean
Jacqui Elliot-Williams - Getty Images

2. Slow draining plugholes

How many times have you stood in the shower sloshing around ankle-deep in soapy water waiting for it to drain away or had to fish wisps of hair out of the plughole?

Once a month, pour a kettle of boiling water over a cup of washing soda crystals scattered around plugholes. This will help clear grease and soap sum, banish odours and leave drains running freely. If the plughole gets clogged regularly with long hairs, try a plughole cover.

Big Bathroom Shop also suggests placing vinegar and bicarbonate down the drain to dissolve any dirt before finishing off the clean with lots of hot water, while lemon juice can help remove strong smells.

For more stubborn drains and blocked basins, we rate Buster Bathroom Plughole Unblocker.

3. Limescale

If you live in a hard water area, it doesn’t take long for shower screens to start clouding over and taps to develop white, chalky deposits around the base or the spout. Don't know whether you live in a hard water area? You can check here using this tool from Aqua Cure.

Here are some tips for eradicating limescale.

Shower screens

Try a daily squirt of Mr Muscle Shower Cleaner after every shower, before you wipe down the screen or, for a natural alternative, use white vinegar (use an old spray bottle and mix up a solution of half water, half vinegar then spray on the shower screen and taps after use).

things making your bathroom harder to clean
Catherine Falls Commercial - Getty Images


Never use abrasive cleaners on taps. To remove limescale deposits, soak a cloth in a descaling product (or a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water), but not if they are gold-plated or have marble surrounds, and wrap it around the tap, leave for a few hours, remove the cloth rinse and dry tap.

Grimy showerheads

Descale your shower head once a month with a liquid descaler and an old toothbrush. Or detach and steep in a solution of half white vinegar and half water for two hours (but not if it’s gold-plated). Use a needle to de-clog any spray holes that are still blocked.

Use a limescale remover on bathroom fittings once a week.

4. Tidemarks

There's nothing like a relaxing soak in the tub, complete with a bath bomb or oils. Unfortunately, they can dry overnight and become hard to remove.

To tackle tidemarks and built-up grime, the trick is to spray liberally with your usual bathroom cleaner and walk away. Let the cleaning agent sink in for at least 15 minutes before wiping and rinsing.

Alternatively, if the bath is very dirty, fill it with warm water, add a couple of scoops of biological washing powder, and leave to soak overnight. Rinse before bathing.

Ideally, make it a house rule that everyone has to rinse the bath right after they use it!

things making your bathroom harder to clean
Catherine Falls Commercial - Getty Images

5. Toilet brushes

Do you know how often to clean or replace a toilet brush? It's one of the dirtiest items in the house, so it's important not to put this job off.

To clean, put the brush in the toilet bowl, pour some bleach in the water and leave to stand for a few minutes. In the meantime, fill the brush container with warm soapy water and a few drops of bleach, then swish it around and flush it down the toilet bowl (after you have removed the brush). Flush clean water over the brush and return it to the container.

It's sometimes suggested that you should replace a toilet brush every six months, but if you're cleaning it weekly it could be used for longer.

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