4 Degrees To Consider For Easy Employment In Singapore

I've always admired those idealistic types who study medicine in order to treat ebola patients in Africa on a voluntary basis, or study environmental science to more effectively work with Greenpeace.

But for most of us mere mortals, the degree that we spend long stressful years and a literal truckload of cash getting ahold of has to pay off in dollars and cents.

Choosing the wrong degree can be a horrible investment for many reasons. Not only will you be left to face a job market that doesn't have room for the skills you offer, you will also have lost so much time - and changing the direction of your career may be very difficult.

If getting a job soon after finishing your studies suits your career styling, these are the bachelor degrees you will want attached to your resume.

Biomedical Science (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Piercing people with pins or blending herbs may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's bound to get you a job. Having a bachelor's degree in biomedical science with a focus on TCM from the College of Sciences is one of the surest guarantees of a job at this point in time, with a 100% hiring rate.

But there is a catch: The median gross monthly salary for graduates is somewhat low at $2900, and the ongoing earning opportunities in this field won't usually reach the same heights that we see in some other careers.

Bachelor Of Arts (With Education)

With a more attractive median salary of $3475, a bachelor of arts degree with education from NIE (National Institute of Education) is a pleasant alternative to medicine.

If you enjoy teaching and prefer a steady job over big money-making opportunities, this degree with a 100% employment track record could work well for you.

Accountancy & Business

No surprise here. A degree in accountancy & business from Nanyang Business School will give you a 98.2% shot at employment, although only 95.6% of graduates find ready, full-time employment.

With a median starting salary of $3300, this career choice leaves you plenty of room to grow. Salaryexplorer.com places the average salary for accounting at $6708, with top monthly salaries reaching $26,667.

Computer Science

I'd love to say that this should come as a pleasant surprise to all you techies out there, but it really isn't very surprising to see this degree make fourth place.

94.5% of graduates with a degree in computer science from the College of Engineering find employment within approximately 6 months after graduating. 93.7% of graduates find permanent employment within that timeframe.

If you love tinkering on computers and want easy job opportunities with $3,200 median starting salaries, then this degree is the easiest way to both.

This career also offers room to grow, and who knows? We may just see the next Google named after you.

Times change, and opportunities change even faster. Figures used here are based on the Ministry of Education's most recent Graduate Employment Survey, but I suggest you do your research before you settle on the degree you plan to pursue!

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