35 People Who Are Already Having A Worse 2024 Than You

1.This person started off 2024 with a ROUGH week.

"Your application was considered in detail..."
u/nightwing13 / Via reddit.com

2.Safe to say this person did NOT have the happy new year they were wishing for.

"Please let me know."
Hil_Phartman / Via reddit.com

3.This person spent New Year's Day in the hospital getting painful rabies shots.

"Got bitten by a bat"
u/Interesting-Cress-43 / Via reddit.com

4.This person struggled even more than usual in the post-holiday back-to-work week.

"Passing a kidney stone on my first day..."
u/Monkdiver / Via reddit.com

5.This poor soul totaled their new car in the first few days of 2024.

"Crashed my brand new car..."
u/bunnishortcake / Via reddit.com

6.This poor person kicked off the New Year with a Kevin from The Office style mishap.

"I accidentally spilled Tinga in my new car"
u/StupidSexySnoo / Via reddit.com

7.This person wasn't even able to leave their house in the new year.

"We are definitely not getting out for a few days"
u/Lokkuri / Via reddit.com

8.This poor person just wanted to shower.

"our water smells like feces"
u/yikesbro_ / Via reddit.com

9.This person was trying to be a good dog sitter while their brother vacationed for the holiday, and ended up having to deal with THIS. At least the dog was fine.

a dog under a broken shelf
u/EditorsNotes / Via reddit.com

10.This mom rang in the new year with a collapsed ceiling.

a collapsed ceiling
u/sweater_brown / Via reddit.com

11.This person just wanted to get themselves a late Christmas gift.

a missing package
u/accidental-like / Via reddit.com

12.This person did receive their new iPad, but they couldn't register it because it had already been registered to someone else.

"Brand New iPad Already Logged In"
u/Salty-Tomato5654 / Via reddit.com

13.This person built up the courage to go out and meet new people on New Year's Day, but it looks like the universe had other plans.

an empty bar

14.This person decided to stay in and do a cozy activity with a fun reward at the end, only to be met with major disappointment.

puzzle of a QR code
u/Mmmelanie / Via reddit.com

15.This is just a major bummer.

"Not the greatest start to 2024 for me
u/addynan / Via reddit.com

16.And this person was likely not able to enjoy any New Year's treats — or anything hard for a few days, as I'm sure the dentist was not open on New Year's Day.

a person holding a tooth crown
u/Ruffffian / Via reddit.com

17.This person also just had to suffer and wait due to the holiday.

"My eye after a chemical accident"

18.It's hard enough to have a birthday on New Year's Day. Imagine THIS happening on your birthday, too.

a cake that's fallen in the fridge
u/an303042 / Via reddit.com

19.This poor soul mauled herself in the last moments of 2023.

a cut in someone's mouth

20.And this person broke their wrist AND leg just five days into the year.

"Five days into the year and I'm already done"

21.This person also bought themselves a late holiday gift, and ended up with this.

"New couch has cushion velcro on the wrong side"
u/vanderlooMueller / Via reddit.com

22.This person's vacation was cut short by a fun surprise.

a car missing tires
u/Spiritual_Price5707 / Via reddit.com

23.This couple also had an exciting surprise on their vacation!

a window covered in black plastic
u/PKLKickballer / Via reddit.com

24.And this person came home from vacation to their own special surprise.

"Came back from vacation to wine cooler glass being shattered"

25.This person had a good friend end their friendship. Due to COVID. In the year of our lord 2024.

"Good Friend of 2 Years Ends Friendship"
u/Slade1234545 / Via reddit.com

26.This person just had terrible, terrible luck.

a can stuck in a sink
u/Smmaxter / Via reddit.com

27.As did this person.

"Deer tick in my belly button"
u/Sea_Ganache620 / Via reddit.com

28.And this one.

A broken window with plastic taped to it
u/sadbabyface / Via reddit.com

29.Aaaaand this one.

a keyed car

30.This person really tried to make their new year special, only for it all to fall apart last minute.

"and my daughter caught the flu"

31.This person was just riding the struggle bus when it came to decorating for the new year.

"Happy Meh Year"
u/alexesparza / Via reddit.com

32.I hope this person isn't claustophobic.

"Stuck in the smallest elevator on the first day of the year"
u/Wiglse / Via reddit.com

33.And that nothing important was in these packages.

Opened packages
u/watashi-weasel / Via reddit.com

34.This is why you don't mess with elementary school teachers, I guess.

school milk in a fridge
u/LeeOMy / Via reddit.com

35.And finally, this person got a reminder of their age when they least expected it...but hey, at least they got a discount.

A receipt from a store
u/FloatDH2 / Via reddit.com