I Can't Stop Laughing After Seeing What Kids Put Their Parents Through This Year

1.This mom discovered the reason why the TV remote wasn't working:

candy stuffed into a remote
u/GraceWRX / Via reddit.com

2.This parent found their 4-year-old's work of art:

Drawings on the wall
u/decyphier_ / Via reddit.com

3.This parent had to deal with their kid running through the aisle on the plane and using seats as a "personal jungle gym":

a child's feet on top of an airplane seat
u/CartoonCocoons / Via reddit.com

4.This parent learned why his son got in trouble in school:

a note from a teacher to a parent about their kid's behavior
u/Rolok916 / Via reddit.com

5.This daughter doodled on her dad's new truck with a rock:

Lines scratched into a truck
u/TheOriginalToolmaker / Via reddit.com

6.This son left his skateboard in the worst possible place:

a skateboard next to an entrance
u/emptybeercans / Via reddit.com

7.This parent's 3-year-old pulled off a handle from the master bathtub and hid it:

A missing bathtub handle
u/JephriB / Via reddit.com

8.This kid was left alone juuuust for a minute:

Kid's drawings on a hospital bed
u/alejandrosourusRex57 / Via reddit.com

9.This daughter puts on new toilet paper like this:

An empty toilet paper roll next to a full one
u/mundundermindifflin / Via reddit.com

10.This kid decided to test some crayons on a brand-new Nintendo Switch:

a Nintendo Switch with writing all over it
u/ModelloVirus / Via reddit.com

11.These kids left the remote on the heater:

A melted remote
u/timack / Via reddit.com

12.This daughter was asked to take out the clean dishes from the dishwasher, and well, she did take them out:

Dishes stacked on the counter
u/queenclemmy / Via reddit.com

13.This kid won't give the phone back:

u/RedPandaCombatLeague / Via reddit.com

14.This kid ate this entire pint of ice cream, and then filled it with water and froze it for their parent to enjoy:

Frozen water in an ice cream carton
u/treehead726 / Via reddit.com

15.This kid left their mark at the grocery store:

A hand print in some flour
u/ej4 / Via reddit.com

Ah yes, a fresh hand print in flour.

A hand print in some flour
u/ej4 / Via reddit.com

16.This mom learned her wedding purse was being used for a new purpose:

pepperoni in a wedding purse
u/Jaketw96 / Via reddit.com

17.This son uses toothpaste like this:

A twisted toothpaste tube
u/incendiary_bandit / Via reddit.com

18.This mom's Ralph Lauren purse got a makeover:

Markings on a pink purse
u/Rico_TMRB / Via reddit.com

19.This boss's son came in the office, scribbled all over an employee's whiteboard, and left all the fine-tip markers looking like this:

A messed-up Expo marker
u/RoastedGnome / Via reddit.com

20.This parent's 16-year-old son leaves just a *few* drops of Gatorade in each bottle and then leaves the rest in the fridge:

Gatorade bottles with hardly anything left
u/JJH880 / Via reddit.com

21.This parent's 2-year-old threw his sippy cup at the TV:

A broken TV
u/Milfshake23 / Via reddit.com

22.This parent found the culprit that clogged the toilet:

A Mario toy
u/Lucno / Via reddit.com

23.This parent's "favorite thesaurus," which was in perfect condition for 20 years — until their 3-year-old daughter got ahold of it:

Scribbling on a book page
u/TheMagicShark / Via reddit.com

24.This stepdaughter was asked to fold her clean laundry...but she threw it in the trash instead:

Clothes in the trash
u/tmarieromero / Via reddit.com
Clothes on the counter
u/tmarieromero / Via reddit.com

25.This kid was done eating this banana and handed it over to Dad:

A banana with bite marks on the sides
u/MrRetroVertigo / Via reddit.com

26.This daughter left this hairbrush hanging in the shower:

A brush completely covered in hair
u/maddogcas2383 / Via reddit.com

27.This kid's bedroom:

A giant mess on the floor
u/yeetman2022 / Via reddit.com

28.This kid threw a Nintendo Switch in the toilet:

A Nintendo Switch in the toilet
u/Any_Violinist_6205 / Via reddit.com

29.This kid ripped open over 20 packs of Pokémon cards, kept, like, four of them, and threw the rest on the ground:

Cards all over the ground
u/Cornelious96 / Via reddit.com

30.These kids always leave empty food packages in the pantry:

An empty Oreos package
u/NotJoeDierte / Via reddit.com

31.These fish owners went on vacation for a week and left the neighbor’s daughter in charge of feeding their fish — and they came back to this:

A dirty fish tank
u/DarthIsopod / Via reddit.com

32.These adult kids left these "leftovers" in the fridge:

A plate with hardly any food left in the fridge
u/i-touched-morrissey / Via reddit.com

33.These kids only lose left gloves:

Left gloves on a counter
u/mosfunky / Via reddit.com

34.These kids left the library like this:

A messy table in a library
u/a415285294 / Via reddit.com

35.And finally, these preschoolers did this to an ENTIRE bag of their parent's cable ties:

Messed-up cable ties
u/mmm_algae / Via reddit.com