3 tools you need to maintain a great Instagram feed

3 tools you need to maintain a great Instagram feed

Who doesn't know what Instagram is? And who thinks twice before following any celeb fashion Insta page? It is one of the largest social networks, free for all and an easy means to promote products and services, interact with customers and build brand awareness among millions of users of the platform.

To get more Instagram followers, you must create an Instagram-stunning feed. Stick to the tongue out. And, you need to be social. Learn how to be famous on Instagram by using three simple tools.

Tool#1: Build a stunning Instagram feed with great pictures

The key to building an impressive Instagram feed is to start from the crux. When you upload any photo to Instagram, the search engines have already optimised the same. And so people searching on Instagram will see your image first. This means that you need to spend time making sure that your pictures stand out and get noticed.

Creating an impressive Instagram feed doesn't mean you have to upload hundreds of images. But, you need to upload a lot more photographs than the standard one or two that you typically set as your homepage image. So before you start uploading those images, here are some things that you should do:

  • To be seen on Instagram, build an impressive page loaded with an 'extraordinary' collection of photos.

  • It might seem like a strange idea to upload more images, but you'll find that each photograph helps build your profile. So when you want to upload a photo, make sure that it's a good quality one because the quality of the image will determine whether or not it gets noticed on the website.

  • You should upload as many high resolution (for the website) photographs as you can and as many low resolution (for your desktop) pictures as you can, but don't upload any images that are too small.

Tool #2: Get your Instagram photos noticed - attract attention to get followers

Once you start using Instagram like the celeb's fashion page, you can use your images to attract attention to get followers on the social networking site.

When trying to attract attention to your Instagram photo, the first thing you must remember is that people on the site are looking for actual content and not so much a random image. You can use your Instagram photo to provide content or start a conversation with someone, but you shouldn't just upload any old photograph. You should go into detail when adding an image to your Instagram profile page.

When you are uploading an image, you can do a few things to get more notice for your pictures.

  • The first is to take into account the size of the photo.

  • Smaller images tend to disappear better than larger ones, so you should try and keep your Instagram images proportioned to the size of the image without being too small or too large.

Another essential thing to keep in mind is that Instagram users are a bit inconsistent. Some see your image at one time and then never see it again.

Others who see it will immediately begin talking about it and commenting on it, while others will ignore it. This means that you can't just expect people to see your Instagram images every time they log in; you have to try and make sure they notice you actively.

The best way to do this is by making sure you post interesting pictures and keeping your Instagram profile up to date with images.

Tool#3 Engage with your followers - connect with them and earn benefits

When first signing up for an Instagram account, you will be asked to enter your email address. This email should also have a separate password area for your profile so

that your account is protected. Once you have signed up for an Instagram account, the email you received should link to this page.

The link to your main page allows you to find and message your followers and start engaging with them. There are a few ways you can do this depending on what you feel your followers might be interested in.

  • Some would be to promote your website and offer them gifts or coupons.

  • Others would be to post helpful tips and tutorials or simply ask questions to stimulate conversation and get your followers interacting.

Saying and sharing with your followers are essential activities to encourage interactions and engagement. Building solid relationships with your Instagram followers is the best thing you can do with your time on the social network, like the fashion celebs.

Keep the three tools handy and become an Insta-sensation like your favourite celebrities.