2016 Love Horoscope by astroYogi

2016 Love Horoscope by astroYogi

astroYogi astrologers bring you Love Horoscopes for the upcoming year 2016. Stop worrying and take control with these accurate predictions which will help you to plan the coming year in advance.
Aries Love Horoscope 2016
Exciting times await those who desire romance in 2016, but these affairs are not likely to be casual flings. On the contrary, the planets suggest that this year is a time for you to deepen bonds in your love relationships.
If you are married, you will find your emotional connections become more enduring. The partnership could come under strain, but ultimately this is what will bring you closer.
If you are not currently in a relationship you need not despair! You will have plenty of opportunities to meet new people, and if this happens for you it is likely to spark a serious connection that will offer lasting happiness. There will be little need to try hard to make this happen. You just need to allow the influence of love to come into your life. Both Mercury and Venus enter Capricorn in February, setting the flames of passion and companionship alight for the year ahead.
The positive influence that love brings to you early in the year will help to support and motivate you in other areas, such as your busy work life. You can expect to come under pressure from stressful deadlines and long hours at times, but this won't seem such a nightmare when balanced with the joys that your partner can bring; even if these opportunities are rare at times.
Love will take a back seat to some extent at the mid-point of the year, but your partner will understand. The connection you have developed should withstand the time apart that might be needed to advance other areas, such as your career. Just be sure to communicate with them and tell them how much they really mean to you!
In August you will have this opportunity to make up for time lost. Seize the moment and do something really special with those who matter when the Sun enters Libra in mid-August.
Love is also in the air for single Aries too at this particularly romantic time. If you missed your opportunity to meet a new romantic partner earlier in the year, then you will be given a second chance! Be sure to take it this time – love could be staring you right in the face.
Longer term partnerships will need to recognize the importance of communication towards the end of the year. Misunderstandings can arise as you start to spend more time with your partner, but they come to a pleasant resolution when Venus transits Sagittarius in November, as long as you are able to both talk and listen.
From then onwards, all aspects of your life will reach highly fulfilling levels. Love reaches its peak, even when you thought it couldn't get ay stronger! Now could be the perfect time for marriage, and a new arrival could even be on the cards!
Single Aries can expect to find new love during 2016, while married Aries will find stronger connections and solid support from their loved ones and friends. Passion and relationships are looking good this year, but Aries must remember to put time and effort in to loved ones during busy work times. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to astroYogi astrologers from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Taurus Love Horoscope 2016
Taurus, if you are in a serious love relationship, then you can expect 2016 to see you both coming together and strengthening your bond. Just how meaningful can your relationship get? The answer to this is how meaningful do you want it to be?
Well, are you ready for some big news? The planets suggest that the upcoming year will provide already loved-up Taurus with the opportunity for marriage when Venus enters Taurus from May 20th. Love will already be strong between couples during the run up to this, but at this time you may feel an impulse to propose.
If, on the other hand, you are already planning a wedding, then late May or June could be the perfect time to hold the event. The planets will assist you in making sure everything runs smoothly!
What could possibly deepen bonds any more than marriage? How about bringing new life into the world? In an amazing alignment of fate, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus all enter Virgo during August. Each of these planets brings with it a stronger chance for a new arrival in the family. Such a powerful combination suggests a wonderful time for childbirth, and parenthood could well be on the cards for you if you have been trying!
You may find that conflicts can arise in November, when the Sun and Mercury both enter Scorpio. Married couples who previously felt strong may encounter problems, but you will feel an underlying love for your partner that is much stronger than these surface arguments.
Always remember to respect your better half, especially if you are dealing with serious and life-changing decisions together. Their words and ideas are as good as yours, and if you put your minds together instead of bickering then you will have a much easier time coming to resolutions.
With so much depth and sincerity expected between married Taurus in 2016, what is the year expected to bring for the singles out there?
Earlier in the year you might find yourself meeting lots of new people, especially from February 14th when Venus is in Capricorn. However, it is likely that more friendships will develop at this time than relationships, and you wouldn't want to ruin a new connection in your confusion. If you feel that you want to turn a friendship into something more, then you should be careful to make sure that this is really what you want before making any moves.
The best time for single Taurus to find new affection is from mid-June, when Venus enters Gemini. At this time romantic affairs are almost inevitable for you, and you will radiate with a confident glow that helps you to attract a mate. Be yourself, get yourself out there, and you should be fine!
Singles will need to work hard at their love life if they are to find new love towards the end of the year, because of potential misunderstanding with potential new flames. Perhaps this would be a better time to focus on making improvements to your self?
Because of the emphasis on true love and meaning at this time, you should consider that relationships formed in 2016 could develop quickly. This isn't the best time for casual affairs, but rather is a solid year for growing deeply in your relationships.
Marriage and children could well be on the cards for long term couples, whereas newer couples and singles can expect meaningful and passionate love affairs that could develop into something more. If you are not looking to make such serious life decisions, then you can at least enjoy the exquisite connection that you and a partner could develop. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to astroYogi astrologers from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Gemini Love Horoscope 2016
Your love life is expected to be excellent this year Gemini, with very few periods of extreme troubles. Overall you can expect a really healthy balance in love, with the right amount of support and severity when needed, but also a lot of excitement and joy.
If you are coupled up or married then you can expect great growth in your relationship; the support you receive will help you to realize who really matters to you, and you will grow fonder of your partner as the year goes on, and challenges are overcome. Your partner will be especially supportive early in the year when stress can be higher, and with the Sun in Capricorn they will be your relief and your stability.
The Sun will continue to empower your love life as it moves into Pisces in March, bringing more excitement for both single and married Gemini. This will be a much needed reminder of the fun you can have with your partner! Make sure you spend enough time with them to enjoy their laughter.
The Sun then transits Aries, and the romantic pull will be stronger still, giving the single Gemini more chance to enjoy some casual affairs.
Be aware that any flings may become more serious quickly, especially from June 13th , when Venus is in Gemini suggesting an almost spiritual growth between you and your existing partner. You may feel like breaking off any love affair that doesn't suit you at this time, instead putting your energy into people who really matter. This will be a defining moment for new and old couples alike – can this person be a life partner?
Those who are single are most likely to find new love around August or September when Venus passes through Virgo, and then through Libra, bringing a string energy of new love and romantic radiance. You will seem to glow at this time, and other people will be more attracted to you. Be yourself, and be confident in who you are if you want the best chance to meet the right person.
Venus passes through Sagittarius from early November, and brings the best chance of the year for progressions that relate to marriage and children. All of that loving support that you have received from a long term partner could culminate in an urge to make serious steps together. If you feel right about it, then now could be the time to take it further!
In December, you should stay alert to make sure there are no arguments that could ruin what was otherwise a beautifully connective year. Communication will be the key as Mars moves into Aquarius, disrupting the harmony. Listen to your partner, especially where serious issues are concerned.
Overall an extremely exciting year for both singles and married Gemini alike. You will strengthen existing bonds, and have the opportunity to make new ones that actually last! You will gain immense strength and support from loved ones, and will come to truly appreciate the people in your life. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to astroYogi astrologers from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Cancer Love Horoscope 2016
The Sun, Mercury, and Venus, all reside in Capricorn early on in the year, and this brings some interesting dynamics for married or coupled up Cancer. You may experience misunderstandings, and you will need to make an effort to rekindle your love for your partner. You may feel confused about your feelings for them, which can add to the drama. Male Crabs will need to resist the urge to cheat on their partner if they want their love to reign supreme.
At the same time, your partner will be supportive of you. Underneath any misunderstandings is something special, and if you can reignite this then you can get past anything. You just have to work out whether you really want it! Make your choice, and do it wisely.
After this initial trouble at the start of 2016, your love life should steady out, and your personal life will become much more pleasant – whether or not your relationship lasted. On June 13th, Venus enters Gemini, and there is a brief opportunity for new love. Singles should seize the moment if you want to win the affection of someone who you have had your eye on.
Existing love will also feel a revitalizing energy. Your partner will reciprocate expressions of love at this time, and overall you will feel that the struggles of the start of the year were well worth it as passion and devotion skyrocket again.
However, you will need to focus on your career, so you may physically find that you spend less time than you really want to with your loved ones in the middle of the year. This could be a factor that contributes to your moodiness, as you will find your success at work could take away from other areas.
Venus passes into Cancer in early July, and this is an excellent time of year to plan to marry. If you feel strongly about your partner, then you might want to pop the question.
September also brings an intense and positive time for love and marriage, with the Sun in Virgo, and Mars moving into Sagittarius. Your will feel an increased sense of clarity, and this will allow you to make decisions well. If you have met someone recently, you will know what to do by the end of this month. If you have been considering marriage, you may come to your conclusions now.
You may also experience obstacles in your love life right at the end of the year, as Mars enters Aquarius. You will likely feel and internal mental dissatisfaction no matter what is going on in your life, so try not to project this on your partner, and don't make any tough decisions around this time.
The start of the year can be tough for coupled up Cancer. If you can get past these difficulties, you will find your love life very rewarding. This year is busy for your career, so you may find that your usual loving and nurturing self takes a back seat to your work. Your loved ones will understand and support you, but you should still spend plenty of time with your partner. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to astroYogi astrologers from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Leo Love Horoscope 2016
Leo, you will find that your love relationships are very strong this year. You feel independent, and at times career driven, but you will notice that your partner is always there to support you, especially when the Sun moves through Pisces in March, and then Aries in April, bringing currents of love that can help you through tougher emotions. Allow your partner to give you this love, and be careful not to be stubborn and neglect them.
On May 20th Venus enters Taurus. You may find yourself extremely busy at work during this time, but could occupy yourself with some romance at the office. For single Leo this could be a good time to meet someone, or to finally catch a drink with that guy or girl who always catches your eye.
In mid-October, Venus is in Scorpio, and you may feel major improvements to your relationships, as well as within yourself. Again, if you are busy or stressed you will feel a lot of support from your partner, but this time you will feel much more strongly like giving it back. If you do commit some time and energy to your lover, busy life aside, it will be greatly appreciated by them.
Venus then moves into Sagittarius on November 8th, and brings yet more harmony, accompanied by the romance and excitement of Mercury in Scorpio around the same time. Love is in the air for both singles and married Leo! Take your partner out lots, have some fun, and take time to remember what it can really be like being head over heels!
It might not be the most action packed year for you in terms of love, but that is just because you are working on other areas of your life too. You could get it if you want it, and you will! If you are partnered up you will come closer to your partner while advancing your own life. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to astroYogi astrologers from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Virgo Love Horoscope 2016
Virgo, you may not feel particularly impulsive about your love life this year, and may instead be working on developing yourself, and coming to know your own preferences and desires better. However, if you have a partner you should spend more time with them, and show them that you appreciate them even when you are more focused on business.
The beginning of the year will start out very strongly for couples whose love soared to new heights during 2015. You are feeling the love for your partner, and you may even be considering marriage, or planning a wedding. The Sun in Capricorn will carry your relationship forward, and your partner will feel attracted to you.
On March 14th, the Sun transits Pisces, and can bring about misunderstandings with your life partner. Ultimately, you just seem a bit distant, and you will need to explain this to them in order that they can understand that it isn't them (if it isn't them!).
If you do this, you will find that they offer their full support when the Sun enters Aries on April 14th, and will get behind you even if you are not always giving them the time they deserve. This is expected to continue right until the end of July, and will be given an extra kick by Mars in libra on the 22nd June.
Problems in relationships seem to enter your life in a series of misunderstandings or miscommunications, starting around the time Mercury enters Leo on the 27th July. It is your mind that feels unstable, but you may not be able to see this at the time, instead blaming your partner.
You need to take care not to let the situation spiral out of control, because if you don't wake up and realize your own part in the mess you start to drift apart, and you may even find yourself lacking in trust – both for yourself and your partner – as Venus enters Virgo on the 25th August. Don't give into temptations, and instead seek to resolve with your partner, if you are to save your relationship.
Single Virgo at the time will start to find their mind heavily distracted by sex. You may have been 'out of the game' for a while, instead choosing to focus on other aspects of your mind. With Venus in Virgo you may be seduced by some bad company who will harm when all is said and done. You may feel the most desire at this point in the year Virgo, but this could actually be the least favorable time to go looking for anything – if you do don't expect it to make you happy in the long run.
The best time to find new love is actually towards the end of the year. You will have found more stability in your job by this point, and will have more happiness, and more energy for others.
Venus transits Libra on the 19th September, and puts you in a romantic mood... less like a predator and more like a lover. This is good for singles and for married Virgo alike, whose partners new and existing will truly appreciate your new rediscovered ability to give love. If you were struggling with relationship problems during August, then you will come to know that it was all worth it.
Single Virgo may not be too concerned with finding a life partner, and married Virgo might not always have enough time for their partners in the first half of 2016. Make more time for them and you will be happier, and avoid some potential confrontations and misunderstandings as the year goes on. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to astroYogi astrologers from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Libra Love Horoscope 2016
What a joyous start to your love life it is in 2016! The Sun is in Capricorn from the 15th January, and suggest that your partnerships will be full of life. Married Libra can enjoy time well spend with your partner, doing whatever you love – be it going out, or staying in and watching a film.
This wave of love continues, and is pushed further by the Sun's movement into Pisces on the 14th March, making your relationship better than it usually is in a lot of ways. Keep it lighthearted, and you will enjoy rewarding experiences and passionate interactions.
Single Libra in the meantime can enjoy more sociable times at the start of the year, with plenty of chances to meet new people and start new relationships. If you desire it you can definitely take the opportunity to get back into dating, or you may prefer to forget about love for now and have some fun going out with friends.
However, in April there can be some problems if you are in a committed relationship, as the Sun moves into Aries and can cause problems for your partner's health. You will need to dedicate more resources to your partner, including time and money, yet there will be less romance to keep you going.
This may continue right through to June, with Venus moving into Taurus on the 20th May and causing you to worry more about the whole situation. This will be a testing time for you love, but you should put your care for your partner first if you want your relationship to succeed. If it isn't a health problem, then another major dilemma will test the strength of your partnership.
Although health problems may lift before this time, the true relief with your partner will start from the 27th July, when Mercury enters Leo. At this time you will get what you deserve. If you didn't care for your partner then they may end it, but if you did your love will reach the next level.
There will be a true sense of harmony in the home, furthered by Jupiter in Virgo on the 13th August. At this time you may decide to get married!
This could be an unusual year for Libra with close partners, but if you pull through problems at the start of the year you will know that your love is true as true can be. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to astroYogi astrologers from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Scorpio Love Horoscope 2016
It is a rickety start for you in 2016, and love may be more existent in your mind that it is in reality. If you have a partner, the Sun's presence in Capricorn from the 15th may mean that you spend less time with them, instead opting to focus on your hobby or socializing with good friends.
You will see that your partner supports you during this time, and understands and trusts you. However, be aware that domestic issues are around the corner, when Mars enters Scorpio from the 20th February bringing some communication issues in the home. The solution to this might be to give your partner some space for a while. Just have faith that what feels rough now might only be a surface problem – don't blow it out of the water!
When the Sun enters Aries on the 14th April, your marital life will once again reach a place of happiness. You and your partner will start to feel more in tune with each other, and you may even come together over a life changing event. You could move home, or get a new job, or experience something that will create a resolve in your love life.
Single Scorpio can expect to have more chance to find new romance towards the end of May, when Venus enters Taurus from the 20th. Any partnerships you do form can be very strong. You won't find yourself flitting about, but will become attracted to one person who you find irresistible. This same energy will bring already loved up couples closer to marriage!
Another particularly passionate time for both single and married Scorpio, is July. Venus is in Cancer on the 7th, and the Sun passes in on the 15th, and together these two set the house on fire! You will be an enthusiastic lover, and your partner will reciprocate. You feel total bliss! Ahhh. The advice for this time is to be receptive, and not to let anything distract you. Be in the moment.
Nothing can last forever, but the good news for you is the love will last for a while to come. Mercury could bring some tension to your partnership on the 20th August when it transits Virgo, but if you show commitment at this time your partner will be proud of your efforts and appreciate you even more.
It looks like married Scorpio will remain happy, with Mars in Sagittarius suggesting a good mix of love life and personal life – fun and romance eh? Can't be bad.
However, if you have been enjoying a new love this year there might be some frightful news on the horizon. The Sun enters Libra on the 18th October, and suggests a betrayal in your love life. Your lover could cheat on you, run away, or do something that is enough to make you say 'enough is enough!' Make sure you end it if you feel that you cannot trust them anymore.
You will look back and wonder how such a fun connection had to end like that, but ultimately it will be for the best. You have to keep your head high at this time, and don't be afraid to seek the expert advice of a loved one or a counselor. The Sun in Scorpio lifts you back up again at the end of November, and brings you the chance to start something new. Will you be ready for it?
Ups, downs, round and rounds, strange attractions, fiery passions, and deep feelings. You had better be in it for the ride Scorpio, because is set to be a pretty crazy year for love. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to astroYogi astrologers from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Sagittarius Love Horoscope 2016
Venus is in Capricorn from the 12th February, and at this time you are going to feel an immense feeling of respect and support from your partner. You are definitely doing something right in their eyes! Your job is to appreciate them back, and then you will live joyously with them.
In mid-June you will have the chance to show your support back, when your partners will power will seem at an all time low, influenced by Venus' presence in Gemini from June 13th. They will really need you at this time, and it is up to you to be there for them. If you love them you will want nothing more.
If you make it through, and manage to be there to see your partner return to be in full form, you will feel the rewards of the energy and ecstasy that they can bring to your life when things are at their best. At the end of August, with Mercury and Venus both in Virgo, they will be your shining light that gets you through stresses and extra pressures at work. You will start to spend more time to them, and being around them will bring you up.
Love hits its top mark when Venus enters Libra on the 19th September, bringing a balance that harmonizes everything you have experienced together in 2016. You will eat well together, you may travel and take trips, and all in all you will do what you love with the person you love.
This is also a very auspicious time for singles to find new partners, along with late October, after the Sun enters Libra on the 18th. If you are looking for love, it should look right back at you at these times.
Towards the end of the year you may experience your first domestic arguments in a while. Shame with everything running so smoothly, but Mars enters Aquarius on the 12th December to shake things up right before the new year. The key to avoiding major conflict at this time is to control your urge to say nasty things, and to make sure you are totally honest – whether you have known your partner for 10 years, or 2 months.
Love is something that requires a certain depth of understanding, and this year coupled up and married Sagittarius are going to have plenty of opportunities to put this to the test. Singles can also expect chances to find new love, and start a partnership based on mutual understanding and joy. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to astroYogi astrologers from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Capricorn Love Horoscope 2016
Capricorn, 2016 is an excellent year for love and romance! Couples will strengthen their bonds, and home and married life will be both exciting and solid to the core. Singles will also find opportunities for love throughout the year, so all in all you couldn't really ask for much more help from the planets. The rest will be up to you!
On February 20th Mars will move into Scorpio, creating a gap for you to spend more time with your partner. This will be good for you after an exciting start to the year, and you can make up for any lost time. The Sun enters Pisces on the 14th March, and the message couldn't be clearer: love is in the air! Give in to your pleasures at this time, and do fun activities with your partner.
The best time for marriage this year will come when Mars enters Libra on the 22nd June, giving you the power to communicate your deepest feelings, and to make a proposal if it has been on your mind. Don't be afraid to take a risk and tell your lover how you feel about them.
When the Sun moves into Cancer on the 15th June, it can bring the first major signs of trouble for married or coupled Capricorn. You may see domestic issues bubble to the surface after months of harmony, and your partner's health could be a problem – you might feel a bit fed up with commitment, but you must see it through if you really care about them.
Conversely, the same energy will bring exciting ripples on the water for singles, who can expect their love life to pick up. A new partner might come into your life, or several that make you have to make a choice.
You may be focused on your career for a while after this burst of romance, but your loving mood will come back again as the Sun enters Virgo on September 15th, and this will carry you into harmony with your partner once again, held together by Mars in Sagittarius at around the same time. Now is a good clear the air with them about any problems in your relationship.
The end of the year sees more opportunity for change. Will you stick it out, or are you looking for new love? Single Capricorn need not worry. They can simply go with the flow and and enjoy the good times that Venus brings on the 8th November when it transits Sagittarius. Keep your eye out for a chance meeting with a potential lover at this time.
If you are coupled up then you might face a decision that could alter everything. The energy of Mars in Aquarius from the 12th December is one that forces you to decide between marriage, or at least a closer emotional bond, or a new start and a new partner. Only you can make that call! For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to astroYogi astrologers from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Aquarius Love Horoscope 2016
After an unromantic start to the year, in which marriage and new love takes a back seat, the Sun enters Pisces on the 14th March, and says one thing: romance is ON! Singles may meet someone special at this point, and be swept off their feet, and couples and married Aquarius can pull closer and have some great experiences together that might even include a travel trip. Do you want to be swept off your feet?
Love life continues smoothly through April when the Sun is in Aries from the 14th, and then is brought into harmony by Venus as it transits Gemini on the 13th June. You will be enjoying your lifestyle with your partner, and maybe treating them to something nice.
On July 20th Mars comes into Leo, and this can cause some problems with your other half. You need to be more aware of your own actions, and be careful not to be too stubborn.
When Mercury enters Virgo on the 20th August it can bring about an ultimatum situation for some couples, especially if one person is looking to take it deeper. If you want to get married or commit further to someone, then the pressure could cause problems at this time. Instead, use the time to reflect and get to know your partner all over again... wait for a more favorable circumstance.
This situation is more likely to come for you from October 18th, when the Sun enters Libra accompanied by Venus in Scorpio, to bring a boost of romance to your life. Singles may find new romance at this time, while couples will feel love and connectivity. If you are looking to tie the knot, now is a much better time to ask!
An exciting year for both single and married Aquarius! Let yourself fall deeper into a loving connection. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to astroYogi astrologers from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!
Pisces Love Horoscope 2016
Pisces, 2016 looks like an excellent year for love, with opportunities for single Pisces to enjoy romance and deep connections, and for couples to come closer together, and perhaps even take a trip together. Marriage also looks strong, so if you have been thinking about asking the question this year could be the time.
With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus all passing through Capricorn between January and February, the start of the year has a particularly romantic feel to it. This is an excellent time for new relationships, so Pisces who have been sitting alone for too long should make an effort to meet new faces that make them smile.
It is also a great time for falling in love. This could be a love at first sight feeling, or if you are a couple it could be your chance to see things on a more meaningful level. Some couples may feel marriage is on the cards. The energy is such that you will want to move whatever you have onto the next phase.
When the Sun moves into Aries on April 14th you may feel like you want to take that love into a new and challenging situation – and this indicated that a travel trip of some sort may be on the cards. If you take this trip, even if it is for a few days, it should be a very romantic and expressive occasion.
During August and September there is a lot of activity in Virgo, with Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and the Sun all transiting the sign. There are mixed messages here. On the one hand there is a powerful current of love – enough to bring together you and your partner in a completely harmonious domestic life.
On the other hand, the Sun could bring ego problems and conflict. There may be a difference that needs to be resolved. Your partner’s health may also be a concern, and ultimately you might do better if you take care of them more while they are down, and avoid arguments. Love will win.
Mars enters Aquarius from December 12th, and brings another great period for single Pisces. If your romance didn't happen for you earlier in the year, or some conflict has caused a relationship to end, you might see a lot more excitement, as well as some quality time spent with someone who you admire.
A very sweet year for you Pisces, with the potential of new love and new depths in relationships, travel trips, and harmony at home. Be nice and communicate if conflict occurs. For a more personalized prediction based on your birthchart, speak to astroYogi astrologers from the comfort of your home with all new astroYogi app. Download astroYogi app today!