WoW Moviewatch: The Ballad of Matthias Lehner

Regular lore fans are probably pretty familiar with good old Matthias Lehner. It seems the little ghostly boy has some connection to the Lich King, and that story is one that's sparked the imagination of many World of Warcraft players. Melvenor is helping to immortalize the young chap with the creation of The Ballad of Matthias Lehner.

The video itself is actually relatively short. Its scenery and composition are both beautiful, drawing on the stark Icecrown landscapes to help highlight Melvenor's story. The voice-acting was also pretty good, which made the video relatively easy to follow. It probably could have used a little more plot action to help keep the audience involved, but if you take the film as a genre piece, it all works out fairly well.

At the end of the day, this is a nice addition the machinima about Lehner, so I'm curious to see what Melvenor will do next.

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