10 Things Your Man Doesn't Think When He Sees You Naked

The working of the male mind has always been an enigma to most women, which is probably the reason why women are accused of being over analytical. This situation becomes uncomfortably true when you are standing naked in front of your man and you cannot read his mind. No matter how close you are to your man, there are certain things in his mind that you cannot just decipher. So, let’s delve into the mind of these Martian species on earth and try to understand what are the things that he does not think about when he sees his girl naked in front of him.
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"She has gained weight"

No man can actually think like that if he loves you. He understands you so well that he looks beyond mere physical experiences, even when you not wearing anything. Besides, men are equally insecure about their bodies. So, instead of worrying about your extra pounds without your clothes, you should concentrate on making that moment special.

"It's my lucky day, she wants to make out"

Let us be fair to the half of them and spell it out- men do not think about making out all the time. If you are thinking that seeing you naked will always get his hormones churning, then it is time to change your thinking. If your man loves you, he will find even cuddling as fulfilling as it is for you. Men have emotions as well, and most of them do reside in their hearts.

"Pregnancy souvenirs"

So you have a C-section scar and think that it turns off your man? Think again! Your better half doesn’t really care about pregnancy or any other scars and stretch marks when you get naked. On the contrary, your confidence about yourself will turn him on. So, shed those inhibitions and be comfortable in your skin.

"That football game was good..."

You might feel disgruntled that instead of you he has his sports game running through his mind. But ladies instead of feeling irritated, you should feel happy about it. According to a few therapists, it has been seen that thinking about sports makes the sessions last long. This is something that not only you, but your man wants as well. So, before you start complaining, may be it is time for you to give some credit to the game as well. (Also read on Top 5 Things Men Wish Women Knew About Sex)

"I have other things to worry about"

No matter how occupied his mind might be at that point of time, but once he sees you disrobing, he will forget it all. So, if you are thinking that your man is too stressed or preoccupied to think about you, the way to change things is to get naked. That will keep his mind away from other things and close to you.

"Hope she turns the lights off"

After his hectic day, one look at you does lift his mood. So, seeing you undress is the biggest turn on for your man. So, instead of turning off the lights in the bedroom, add an element of romantic mystery to the situation and dim the lights. While bright lights will definitely irritate in those intimate moments, soft candle lights will make the mood perfect.

"There is not enough room in the bath tub"

Maybe your man is in a great hurry to get to work or somewhere else, but that does not mean that a chance to see your glorious body is going to go unregistered. Instead of complaining that he has no time for those between the sheets moments, just step in the shower with him. We are sure no one can resist such a ‘surprise’. (Also read on 8 Reasons Why You should have Sex Everyday)

"Time to put the clothes on"

If you are under the impression that putting back your clothes on or throwing the covers back on right after making out is going to make the issue of nudity comfortable, then you are dead wrong, girl! Watching you being comfortable and confident in your skin, is definitely going to make him swoon over you all the more. So, let those bare times linger on for longer. It will attract him like a magnet.

"I wish we could go back to the time when we started"

While there are high chances of your man reminiscing back to the early days of your relation, it certainly does not imply that he regrets the time he spends with you right now. It is just that maybe there was a time in past where you had just started exploring each other and things were a bit more exciting then. With time your love life might have got mechanical. However, you are never too old to 'steam' things up again!

"I wish you were Katrina Kaif or Angelina Jolie"

While it is quite normal for men to fantasise about hot actresses, but that doesn't mean they do so every moment. Instead of wasting time in thinking about other women, you should try some innovative moves to sweep him off his feet. For men, a confident woman in bed is like a fantasy come true. So, ignite the diva in you and let that sheet slip off!