Zul Ariffin to pay RM30k fine for lewd video

6 Oct - Zul Ariffin has been fined RM30,000 over his action of uploading lewd clips from his television drama on social media earlier this year.

The actor, who appeared at the Sessions Court where he admitted guilt to the charges made in accordance with Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, stated that he decided to just get it over with rather than prolong the case and waste other people's time.

"The court has passed the sentence and now I have to pay the fine. Praise be to God, everything is going smoothly. I don't want to live with this feeling, so I just admit my fault," he added.

Zul also stated that he wouldn't take any further action regarding the issue, and is just relieved that everything has been resolved peacefully.

"I thank all of my friends who are here to support me. I am very touched. I didn't think anybody would support me," he added.

As for lesson learned, Zul hopes that his fellow colleagues in the business will be more careful when asked to upload anything online for promotional purposes.

"If you are asked to download anything, no need to just obey, right? Be careful. Take me as an example," he added.

It was back on 18 March that Zul uploaded a lewd scene from his upcoming drama, "Perempuan Itu" on his Instagram, one of which has his character carrying fellow actress Siti Hariesa in a maid costume.

Zul Ariffin appeared at the Sessions Court for the verdict of his case
Zul Ariffin appeared at the Sessions Court for the verdict of his case

(Photo Source: Zul Ariffin Instagram, Utusan Malaysia)