Zaina Sze embarrassed over chaos caused by COVID-19 diagnosis

27 Jul – Zaina Sze recently revealed that her condition is currently stable now that she has checked into the isolation ward at the hospital after testing positive for COVID-19.

As reported on Mingpao, the Hong Kong singer who became the first celebrity in Hong Kong to contract the virus, revealed that she went to the emergency department for consultation after being notified by a colleague about having the virus.

After waiting for five hours to get the results, Zaina said that she was admitted - though confessed that it was chaotic as she was on her own at the time.

The singer also revealed that she was asymptomatic prior to being tested positive, and as for now her blood test and x-ray results are normal, though she will be doing more tests again in the coming days.

On the other hand, Zaina admitted that she feels embarrassed that a lot of people in the entertainment industry are now concerned about getting COVID-19 because of her and that a lot of radio shows and TV recordings had to be postponed to give way to the disinfection process because of her.

(Photo Source: Zaina Sze Instagram)